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Tickets en Lanzarote

Mato nº 24 en Puerto del Carmen Lanzarote.

Sumérgete en el paraíso subacuático de Lanzarote y saca el máximo partido de los cursos de buceo ya seas principiante o un submarinista experimentado.


* Diferentes cursos que se adaptan a tus necesidades
* Consigue el certificado PADI y aprende de instructores expertos
* Centro sostenible con el medio ambiente

La aventura bajo el agua empieza en Puerto del Carmen donde, acompañado por los entrenadores, podrás elegir entre las diferentes opciones que más se adapten a tu nivel: Bautizo de buceo
Esta es la opción perfecta para los principiantes para empezar a familiarizarse con el buceo en Playa Chica, una de las playas con más visibilidad de Europa. Sumérgete a una profundidad de entre 3 y 6 metros, dependiendo de tu nivel de confort, durante una hora aproximadamente. Incluye equipamiento completo, seguro, introducción teórica y fotos y vídeos subacuáticos bajo petición.

Curso de iniciación al buceo
Un curso para principiantes para los que quieren dar los primeros pasos en el mundo del submarinismo. En un día y medio tendrás los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para realizar inmersiones de hasta 12 metros con tu propio equipo y siempre bajo la supervisión de un instructor. El curso se divide en tres partes: la primera consiste en unos ejercicios en aguas confinadas, luego prácticas en aguas abiertas y una breve parte de teoría. Incluye equipo completo, instrucción en el agua y breve lección teórica, material lectivo, certificación PADI , libro de inmersiones y fotos y vídeos subacuáticos bajo petición. Curso de buceo en aguas abiertas
Es un curso de primer nivel en el que conseguirás sumergirte hasta los 18 metros en cualquier parte del mundo. Consiste en seis inmersiones y una parte teórica con un examen final. Incluye equipo completo, instrucción en el agua y breve lección teórica, material lectivo, certificación PADI , libro de inmersiones y fotos y vídeos subacuáticos bajo petición.

Bucearás en cooperación con la fundación Project AWARE un movimiento creciente de buceadores que protegen el océano. . Por cada buceador que obtiene un certificado en el centro, se hace una donación.

Carretera LZ - 1 Dirección Norte

Espectáculo músico-teatral con actores, músicos, solistas instrumentales y el reconocido compositor Benito Cabrera -primer intérprete que ha llevado el timple al ámbito sinfónico- que narra tres momentos decisivos en el devenir histórico de Lanzarote desde el siglo XVI hasta nuestros días. Rapto, Éxodo y Tempo definen un singular proyecto en un auditorio único en el mundo.

Rapto escenifica el primer asedio a la isla con los ataques de piratas berberiscos que hicieron esclavos a miles de nativos; en un segundo estadio Éxodo, un periodo (1727-1736) en el que las erupciones volcánicas desencadenaron una salida masiva de los habitantes en busca de sustento; y por último Tempo, en el que resurge la agricultura y la pesca, el turismo llega y César Manrique ofrece una visión renovada de Lanzarote, un tiempo nuevo para una isla en constante creación.

Arrecife en Vivo es un festival de música en directo itinerante. Como escenario, las calles, plazas y zonas más emblemáticas de Arrecife. Las bandas, nacionales e internacionales de todos los estilos y con una única característica común: su capacidad de directo enfocado a la diversión. El público, de todas las edades, con un solo objetivo: disfrutar de la música en las puestas de sol de Arrecife.

Tiene una duración de un mes en el que cada viernes se realizan 4 conciertos consecutivos en diferentes enclaves de Arrecife hasta un total de 16.

Ningún concierto se solapa y el público puede verlos en su totalidad. Un cuerpo de animación les sirve de guía para encontrar el siguiente escenario.

Es de un marcado carácter popular, enfocado a todos los públicos, donde caben todos los estilos musicales. La capacidad de generar directo e interactuar con los espectadores es la principal premisa que se les exige a las bandas que conforman el cartel. En esta edición contamos con bandas internacionales como Delorentos (Irlanda) y nacionales como Corizonas Cycle, Lucky Dados, Tiki Phamtoms y muchos más.

Su carácter itinerante hace que el público se desplace por los espacios más emblemáticos de Arrecife (Charco de San Ginés, Playa del Reducto, Marina Lanzarote, Iglesia de San Ginés, etc) donde se encuentran los escenarios, que cada semana varían de lugar, convirtiéndolo en una actividad dinámica y abierta. Un recorrido a pie perfecto para conocer Arrecife, la capital de la Isla, donde se alterna la música en directo, la gastronomía, el ocio y espacios espectaculares.

Centro Comercial La Peñita Local 19-21.

Mrs T and her cast at the Music Hall Tavern have been entertaining audiences across the Canary Islands for over 20 years.

The MHT show, or in its full title “Music Hall Tavern Show” has been operating in the Canary Islands for the past 20 Years. Based in Lanzarote in its original Venue you can see owners and stars of the MHT Mrs T, Peggy Lee and all their MHT cast performing in their nightly comedy variety dinner shows all year round.

A night at the MHT is full of fun for young and old and we will have you laughing and singing all night long to their comedy parodies and hilarious interpretations of some of the most famous stars and movies of all time.

It was once said that “if you don’t like drag shows then this is definitely the show for you“ as we promise to be the “funniest night of your holiday” when you are here in the Canary Islands. A night to remember awaits you here only at MHT.

The doors open at 19.00, the meal is served first. The show starts at about 21.00 and finishes at about 23.30. All the above prices include a drink on arrival and a 3 course Dinner. The Gold option, includes local beer, wine, sangria, local spirits and soft drinks all night no limit. From Puerto del Carmen direct to the Music Hall Tavern in Centro Comercial La Peñita, Local 19-21 in Puerto del Carmen. This show is only done in English, other languages not available.

desde 35 €

Muelle de Playa Blanca, Playa Blanca

Pasa un día fabuloso en Fuerteventura, la isla vecina de Lanzarote. Disfruta de una travesía en ferry desde el puerto de Playa Blanca (Lanzarote) hasta el puerto de Corralejo (Fuerteventura). El trayecto sólo dura entre 20 y 25 minutos y hay 14 salidas diarias.

- Viaja hasta Fuerteventura en menos de media hora
- Contempla el Atlántico mientras navegas entre islas
- Pasea relajadamente por la ciudad o atrévete con algún deporte acuático

Aprovecha al máximo tus vacaciones y no te conformes con explorar sólo una de las siete islas. Reserva ya tu billete de ferry para descubrir los tesoros de Fuerteventura, otra isla idílica situada a sólo unas millas de Lanzarote. Comprueba tú mismo si la isla es tan tranquila como dicen.

Corralejo empezó siendo un tradicional pueblo de pescadores y con los años se ha ido transformando en un moderno centro vacacional con más de 11 km de hermosas playas y dunas de arena próximas al centro de la ciudad. En muchos lugares se ofrece una amplia oferta de deportes acuáticos como buceo y kayak para los visitantes que desean practicar un turismo activo, mientras que quienes buscan algo más de paz y tranquilidad también pueden encontrarla en rincones mágicos como el Parque Natural Islote de Lobos, a escasos minutos en ferry.

La opción de safari es válida para un vehículo y un pasajero; el resto de los pasajeros deberán seleccionar la opción de traslados. El pasajero que reserve la opción de safari deberá dirigirse a la oficina de Fred Olsen del puerto al menos 45 minutos antes de la hora de salida del ferry, con el número de registro del vehículo y el pasaporte o documento de identidad personal.

Horarios salidas
Lanzarote – Fuerteventura: A las 7:10, 8:30, 10:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 horas.
Fuerteventura – Lanzarote: A las 6:30, 7:50, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 17:00 y 19:00 horas.

desde 33,35 €

Muelle de Playa Blanca, Playa Blanca.

Discover Corralejo for great shops, bars and Restaurants.
Spend a day in the neighboring island of Fuerteventura in this great value ferry deal. Let us book your ticket from the port of Playa Blanca in Lanzarote across to Corralejo in Fuerteventura.

The crossing only takes 40 - 45 minutes in the Princess Ico, Princess Yaiza or Graciosero, moderns ferries operated 8 crossings a day. Corralejo itself is a traditional fishing village and modern holiday resort with over 11km of sand beaches and dunes just outside the town. The small uninhabited island and nature reserve of Lobos just a short ferry ride from Corralejos and is well worth a visit.

desde 14 €

This year, at the Fair there will be almost one hundred stands offering different types of crafts of craftsmen and women such as potters, carpenters as well as people making products out of palm trees, leather and hatters and milliners among others.

We encourage you to come and enjoy our Canarian music performed by local folk music schools and bands. Furthermore, there will be several stands dedicated to traditional instrument luthiers.

The local gastronomy will also play a main role. Anyone passing through Mancha Blanca will be able to taste wines, cheeses and traditional desserts. In addition, the Fair offers days filled with cultural activities for all ages, including workshops for children and adults, free of charge at different times of the day.

This year, the Lanzarote Crafts Fair holds its twenty-eight edition. This project was created with the objective of preserving our popular culture and our most long-running and significant crafts gathering in Lanzarote and one of the most relevant ones in the Canary Islands.

The Lanzarote Crafts Fair is known as a valuable meeting point as well as for its capacity to recover trades, skills, products and traditions that could have been lost otherwise. This is a popular and warm gathering that no one who wishes to discover the traditions, customs, trades, culture and cuisine from Lanzarote and the Canary Islands should miss out on.

Come and enjoy our Country and Western Halloween night. This is a normal Country night... But since it´s Halloween we have a wonderfully creepy themed venue and a Freaky fancy dress competition with Spoooktacular prizes! We’ve been told some very strange things will be happening that night... Come along and see for yourself.

If you’re brave enough... There is something spooky going on! Yes folks, it’s time for the cowboys and cowgirls to pick the pumpkins and dust off their broomsticks. Get ready for the Halloween Spooktacular at Rancho Texas. A deadly decorated venue and crazy costumes just part of the fun. A delicious BBQ Buffet with free flowing beer, sangria, blood and soft drinks to help ease you into the spooky spirit. Enjoy dance demonstrations, a wicked whip and lassoo show and then shake your bones to the great sounds of the Texas bandits.

So everyone bursh off your freakiest frocks and ghoulish gear for a frightfully good night of fun for all the family. So remember folks... whether you slide, slither, walk or crawl Rancho Texas has something for all.

Happy Halloween!

Alcalde Cabrera Torres, s/n

Come and enjoy our Country and Western Halloween night. This is a normal Country night... But since it´s Halloween we have a wonderfully creepy themed venue and a Freaky fancy dress competition with Spoooktacular prizes! We’ve been told some very strange things will be happening that night... Come along and see for yourself.

If you’re brave enough... There is something spooky going on! Yes folks, it’s time for the cowboys and cowgirls to pick the pumpkins and dust off their broomsticks. Get ready for the Halloween Spooktacular at Rancho Texas. A deadly decorated venue and crazy costumes just part of the fun. A delicious BBQ Buffet with free flowing beer, sangria, blood and soft drinks to help ease you into the spooky spirit. Enjoy dance demonstrations, a wicked whip and lassoo show and then shake your bones to the great sounds of the Texas bandits.

So everyone bursh off your freakiest frocks and ghoulish gear for a frightfully good night of fun for all the family. So remember folks... whether you slide, slither, walk or crawl Rancho Texas has something for all.

Happy Halloween!

Mixed route through the northern part of the island to discover the hidden and less known part of Lanzarote.
Hiking up to the Volcano de la Corona with his impressive crater and structure and as well his magnificent landscapes on his surroundings. By the way we will know how one of the most impressive lava tunnels worldwide has been created and result of this, 2 unique landscapes has been created in the Canarias: La Cueva de los Verdes and Jameos del Agua.

On this trip we will see a natural “Jameo”. We will discover the path of the “Gracioceros” and his history which involves. We will know elements of the Second World War and the war of Cuba which exists in Famara. Also we will learn about the production of natural tincture as the natural carmine and purple colour which is currently recovered. We will also visit the source of Chafariz to understand the culture of water in Lanzarote. On this route we will discover diverse flora and insular fauna.

Among the fauna, especially birds, we attempt to see species like the Barbary falcon (Falco pelegrinodes), the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), the raven (Corvus corax canariensis), the trumpeter finch (Bucanates githagineus amantum) or Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii). It will be easy also to observe the lizard of Haria (Gallotia atlantica). We can identify, always depending on the time of year, endemic plant species such as tarabaste (Allium subhirsutum), the verode (Kleinia neriifolia), the tajasnoyo (Ferula lancerottensis), the tajinaste of Famara (Echium famarae), the vinagrera or calcosa (Rumex lunaria) or bejeque de malpais (Aeonium Lancerottense) among others; native or importance as tabaibas (Euphorbias) or barrilla (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum). The lichens, important in the colonization of the lava, we can see suggestive species such as orchilla (Roccella canariensis or Roccella tinctoria), the escan (Ramalina bourgeana) or the genus Xanthoria.

desde 39 €

Lanzarote enjoys a privileged location for the practice of sea activities.
The subtropical climate of our island, allows us to enjoy the sea throughout the year, with water temperatures of 18ºC-19ºC in winter. Furthermore, by providing transportation for our materials, we can move to where the weather conditions are more favourable for the practice of our activities.

We organize guided trips by different places on the island, mainly in the south. Our equipment allows pickups and movement of people and equipment to places where kayaking resulting from the most suitable and attractive: caves, cliffs, small islands, pristine beaches are some of the places you can visit with us.

Kayak and snorkeling in Papagayo beach.
The clear waters of Papagayo beaches and cliffs of the Natural Monument of Los Ajaches, serve as the landscape for an unforgettable trip. After preparing the material and make an explanatory briefing of the activity: what we will see, management kayak and safety standards, from the beach of Las Coloradas, we will start a trip touring corners, cliffs, a cave and the different pristine beaches which they are located there. We will finish the first part of the tour with a stop at the most popular beach in Lanzarote: Papagayo beach.

In Papagayo beach, will take a picnic, swim and snorkel. For those who don’t have experience, we explain how to practice it. After this stop charging energy, refreshment and enjoyment, we will continue the journey to Papagayo Cape, with the most amazing cliffs of the trip.

Eruptions, volcanism, conquest of the Canary Islands, pirate attacks and biological values of our Biosphere Reserve, will go explaining along the way.
Enokayak an unforgettable experience.

The clear waters of Papagayo beaches and cliffs of the Natural Monument of Los Ajaches, serve as the landscape for this wine tourism experience. We start the trip touring corners, cliffs, a cave and different pristine beaches. We will finish the first part of the trip with a stop at a beach, where we will do a tasting of wines from the PDO Lanzarote.

The tasting will be composed of a dry white wine made from Malvasia grapes, a rosé made from Listán Negro black grapes and one red from the same grape, accompanied by goat cheese of Lanzarote. During the tasting, we will know details about one of the most impressive cultures of the world: La Geria; what should this form of cultivation, soil properties and result in growing grapes. Upon completion of the tasting and swim voluntary, we will begin the return to the starting point.

desde 40 €

Spend a fantastic day learning to Surf, Stand Up Paddle (SUP) and Kitesurf with expert instructors at scenic Caleta de Famara beach. This is a fun and safe way to learn the ropes in one of the most exhilarating sports there is. The school’s specialist instructors will teach you everything you need to know to get you out on the water riding the waves right from the start.

Spend a fantastic day learning to surf with expert instructors at scenic Caleta de Famara beach with a School course. This is a fun and safe way to learn the ropes in one of the most exhilarating sports there is. The school’s specialist instructors will teach you everything you need to know to get you out on the water riding the waves right from the start. Our tried and tested teaching method means you will enjoy every minute of this unforgettable experience.

The official school of FCS, FESURF, ISA, Brithish Surfing Associaton, IKO and IOSUP is renowned for the quality of its services and products, which meet all safety regulations. We provide all the necessary course materials, including the board and wetsuit. Instruction takes places in small groups by qualified English and Spanish speaking instructors, experts in water rescue and lifesaving. Liability insurance cover is also provided.

desde 40 €

The rout starts from Tahiche, where we give the customers, the first information about the rout and the stops of the excursion, included photo stop.

We continue towards San Bartolome where the largest plantation of sweet potatoes from the Canary Islands is and we arrive at the “Monumento del Campesino” (Monument of the Farmer).We finish this visit and head to the town of Nazaret (Sea Lake) where we give general information about the Omar Sharif's house and about the island of Lanzarote.

From Nazaret, go off road to Teguise village (which was the first capital of the island) where we will have 20 minutes coffee break. We continue the rout to Famara, where we can see the archipelago Chinijo (the 3 islands, La Graciosa, Montaña Clara y Alegranza). Also you can see El Jable (sand coming from Famara forming dunes). The clients have information stop and photo stop and if the weather is good, you can take a bath.

We head towards Soo to enter La Santa, small fishing village. Take the rout to Tinajo reaching the village of Mancha Blanca toward the visitor center, where customers can get an idea how the ancient inhabitants lived with the active volcano. There, a simulation inside the cave is made.

We go for an inside track that leads to La Geria to see an area of old plantation typical Lanzarote grapes (malvasia). We can see on both sides of the road, crossing La Geria, the plantation system.

We stop at volcano of Tiguaton, where we walk inside to see the crater.

desde 52 €

Once the group is assembled in the village of Macher we start the trip driving on offroad-tracks towards La Asomada, where we'll have the chance to see the local cultivation and enjoy the view of the whole coastline of Puerto del Carmen and Arrecife.

Afterwards we arrive to the area of La Geria, we continue towards Timanfaya, the 3rd most visited national park in Spain, which is situated in the region of the Montañas del fuego (Fire Mountains), the mountains of fire. Once we enter the park the clients take a tour in bus to discover a huge variety of geological phenomenon related to their volcanic nature as well as a big biological diversity with about 180 different species. After having finished the bus tour, we have some time to eat something abd take pictures.

In the restaurant El Diablo the interior heat of the Timanfaya soil (remember that there's still volcanic activity in the national park!) is used to prepare the typical dishes of Lanzarote. Having left the park we make another short stop and the clients get the chance to hop on a camel and take a ride through the valley of the Montañas del Fuego ((Fire Mountains) if they want to.

Next stop is the region called El Golfo, one of the rare and scarce examples of hydro volcanism, a volcanic activity which takes place at low levels of altitude. The volcano is formed by porous lava, which has created spectacular landscapes with the time passing by. The sea is passing through the crater forming a beautiful black beach presenting a great contrast to the green lake to which it is connected underground. The lake that has appeared is called Laguna de Los Clicos (Green Lake) and has been declared preserve area.

After few kilometers with our jeep we arrive to Los Hervidores. The narrow road, uniquely designed by Cesar Manrique, already shows that we are approaching a special place. Since the eruption of Timanfaya, for more than 2 centuries, the beautiful south-west coast has created its volcanic rocky geography. The immediate cooling of the lava when hitting the water and the erosive effect of the waves have created a peculiar coastal line. The underwater caves, the recondite morphological turning and the strength of the sea offer an unforgettable spectacle. We go on to Las Salinas de Janubio. They cover 440.000 square meters of salt-producing land. Due to the origen of the central lake, which consists of water from the close sea, the salinas were linked to the fishing, salting and fish-conserving industry of the island. It's a majestic view. The impressive explosion of colors and the architectural complex guarantee a unique experience. The surroundings with the contrast between the salt and the black sand of the neighboring beach Janubio make the postcard-view complete.

To finish our trip we drive to the famous Papagayo Beach in the area of Playa Blanca where we can enjoy a swim in the clear water.

desde 59 €

Discover a different Lanzarote in an exclusive, personalised tour and always in small groups. Travel with us in the narrow roads of the island to explore its landscapes, small villages, and crops. Discover Lanzarote and the living each day its inhabitants, who have managed to base a lot of effort, work and sacrifice domesticating the island where volcanoes and their eruptions are part of the daily life of the "conejeros".

Our 8 seater Minibuses (Vans) for clients and driver, interconnected with CB radios including climate control, etc., allow us to explore the island of Lanzarote by main roads and secondary roads where a large bus cannot travel. Completely away from traditional routes of tourist and Centres of Tourism.

Lunch with drinks included in the price with typical Canary tapas.

desde 62 €