Tickets > Tickets en Malta

Tickets en Malta

Un paquete de cena y espectáculo musical lleno de acción, con 50 talentosos artístas y 8 caballos amaestrados. Disfrute de la cena que consta de 3 platos más consumo ilimitado de vino, mientras observa como los mundialmente conocidos ''Caballeros de San Juan'', vestidos con brillantes armaduras, montan orgullosos sus caballos para luchar contra los coloridos guerreros de Suleiman el Magnífico, en 1565. Reviva el explendor del siglo XVI y únase a la diversión de una fiesta de pueblo. Comparta el entusiasmo de dos jóvenes amantes, mientras ellos bailan suavemente en su camino al corazón del otro y sucumben a los placeres sensuales de un misterioso harem oriental. Un espectáculo vibrante para pasar una noche completa e inolvidable.

Esta excursión le lleva a la parte central de Malta, que está dominada por la antigua ciudadela de Mdina. Al pasar por las estrechas calles de Mdina, ''La Ciudad Silenciosa'', podremos admirar los imponentes bastiones que disponen de una magnífica vista de la mayor parte de la isla. Posteriormente se visitan los acantilados Dingli. Por último nos detenemos en los jardines botánicos de San Anton.

desde 24 €

This three day programme consists of five open-water training dives. You'll start with one navigation and one deep dive - known as 'core' dives. Then you'll choose three further dives from a selection of nine speciality dives that your instructor will advise you on.

Mgarr Harbour

Visita las principales atracciones que esta hermosa isla tiene para ofrecer. Sube y baja a tu aire en las paradas convenientemente ubicadas a lo largo de la ruta. Disfruta de las vistas panorámicas desde el piso superior de un autobús descubierto. Nuestro recorrido te ayudará a descubrir Gozo - una de las islas más vírgenes y únicas en el Mediterráneo.

Idiomas: Comentarios de audioguía en inglés, español, francés, alemán, holandés, ruso, italiano, portugués, chino, japonés, húngaro, polaco, búlgaro, hebreo y maltés.

desde 18 €

''"Gozo'' con diferencia, visto durante el atardecer, cuando se puede apreciar la serenidad y la belleza natural de la isla hermana de Malta. Nuestro guía dará a conocer la historia de sus habitantes cuando se detenga en los templos megalíticos de Ggantija. A continuación, recorrerá las murallas de Victoria, donde estará rodeado por el color de las colinas de Gozo. La cena se servirá hacia la media noche, en uno de los restaurantes de la isla antes de regresar a Malta. (Incluido en el precio de la excursión).

desde 60 €

Choose from an exciting range of caves, wrecks and reefs at a variety of locations throughout the three main islands. You can arrange your exact choice of dives when you arrive at the dive centre.

This is the only tour available in Malta which is dedicated to Malta's British history. During the tour, we will discuss why the British came to Malta, what happened and why they left. The tour will begin in Vittoriosa where we will see the fortifications which date back to the times of the Knights and were later used by the British for their defensive purpose. We will visit the make like, underground Air Raid shelters and relive the conditions of what has been referred to as the Second Great Siege of Malta. These subterranean bomb shelters were excavated in the solid rock and were extended as the war progressed.

After we will walk to the upper Barrakka Garden which enjoys a spectacular view of the Grand Harbour, which was a British military base and the main reason why Malta came under fire as soon as Mussolini declared war on the Allied forces. A walk around the streets of Valletta will take us by the Palace which was used by Napoleon Bonaparte, the second world war Victory (soup) kitchen, Queen Victoria's statue, and the ruins of the Royal Opera House which was destroyed at the peak of the bombings in Malta. After some free time, we will walk to the lower level of Valletta to the Malta War Museum. The museum itself is situated at Fort St. Elmo, an original defensive system built by the Knights.

desde 50 €

Located in the heart of the picturesque village Naxxar, Palazzo Parisio is a place of wonder that begs to be explored. On your visit you will discover the intricate nuances of Malta's historic nobility and their enchanting way of life.

Your next stop is Clapham Junction which is a very puzzling and mysterious groove in the rock. They appear to be ancient roadways, but are not directly linked to the building of any of Malta's megalithic temple. You will then drive to the Buskett Gardens, where a coffee break is included where you will taste the traditional and delicious "Pastizzi". Verdala Palace, which is an official residence of the President of Malta, is located on the edge of these gardens.

Your final stop is Dingli Cliffs, which are the highest point in Malta at 220 metres high. From here you can also see the tiny uninhabited islet of Filfla. During this excursion, you will tour onboard a Vintage Bus dating back to 1921.

desde 36 €

You will first visit Mosta, which is a Maltese village famous for its Rotunda church. The Mosta Dome is the third largest unsupported dome in the whole world. Next stop is Ta Qali and here you will be able to watch local artisans at work blowing elaborate glass art pieces, silver filigree jewellery and much more. You will then visit Mdina - the old capital city of Malta.

You will visit Mdina on foot and will explore the quaint alleys, narrow streets and the magnificent high bastion walls. Finally you will visit Valletta, Malta's capital city and a World Heritage Site. Valletta contains buildings from the 16th century onwards. You will walk through the bustling streets and to the Baracca Gardens for a breathtaking panorama of the Grand Harbour. Here you will have free time for lunch.

You will then visit St. John's Co-cathedral where you will see the Caravaggio painting. During the tour you will also watch the Malta5D show where you will discover the history of our islands in a different and enjoyable way.

desde 47 €

Make Sunday special and make this the most exciting day of your holiday. A visit to Valletta Market is an absolute must and you can rub shoulders with the locals all looking for bargain. After lunch you will take a harbour cruise and discover some of the history of Malta. Following this relaxing cruise, it's off to the races at Marsa where you get the chance to try your luck on the tote, favourites are usually printed in the local papers. This will be a real adrenaline rush.

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