Board in an open jeep toward Rocinha favela is the biggest favela in Latin America. Located between Gávea and São Conrado this favela has about 15 thousand habitants. In this tour we will walk thought narrows seeing the day-to-day of the favela. We stop in the neighborhood commercial center, largo do Boiadeiro, they have an open air fare, with beverages, typical foods and handicrafts. We end our tour passing through the Tijuca rain forest – the largest urban forest in the world.
The best way to see Rio from land and Sea. The transition from one to the other is quick and with a Splash! From Urca, beneath Sugar Loaf you’ll ride on an amphibious bus through Botafogo and Flamengo where you’ll see parts of the Downtown and the Flamengo Park and all its green, just before making a Splash down in Guanabara Bay where you’ll get away from the sounds of the city and enjoy the views to Rio from the Bay. Cruise around and enjoy the scenery and some of the best pictures you will take during your stay. You might have to duck eventually as planes cruise right above, before landing or just after taking off our of Santos Dumont Airport. Seeing Sugar Loaf, Tijuca Rainforest, Christ Redeemer and Copacabana from the Sea is just breath taking. But you don’t take our word for it. See it for yourself!
The Pedra Bonita trail requires physical effort and on the top you can enjoy one of the most spectacular views of Rio de Janeiro. Beautiful stone is a natural lookout point that reaches 693m above sea level. Due to its prime location, the Pedra Bonita region also has the only ramp gliding landings in the city of Rio de Janeiro from where you can fly on hang gliding or paragliding.
The ramp has a stand so that we can watch the takeoffs and it is also the best spot to take some photos. The setting at the top of Pedra Bonita is gorgeous: the Pedra da Gávea in all its magnificence is revealed between the beaches of Barra da Tijuca and São Conrado, with the immensity of the Tijuca forest composing around us, which gives the place a peace and unique beauty. A movie set that also provides one of the best angles to enjoy the sunset in Rio de Janeiro.
Learn to kitesurf in one of the world’s best kitesurfing spots Feel safe and confident with an IKO certified instructor Tailor your lesson and experience based on your skill level Experience the thrill and excitement of kiteboarding, no matter whether you’re a beginner or a pro.
Crank up your adrenaline and go kitesurfing in one of the best spots in the world: Florianópolis! The stunning lake Lagoa da Conceição is home to some brilliant kitesurfing conditions (flat and shallow water) and the winds are warm and stable. Forget about that wetsuit and dive in.
Get your kiteboard on in one of the best places on earth! Whatever your experience, from basic beginner to total pro, Florianópolis is a dream place for kiteboarding. Join us for an experience of a lifetime, spending a few hours out on the water, just living the dream. Depending on your experience level, we’ll cater your kiteboarding adventure to your wishes. Your teacher will be an IKO-certified instructor who will help you learn safely and efficiently, giving you a truly fun and exhilarating experience. The spot we love is an area of flat and shallow water, which makes kiteboarding easier to master. Without any deep water in your way, you’ll feel more confident than ever!
We provide the latest gear, equipped with a simple safety system, that’s easy to re-launch from the water and has predictable steering and the stability needed while riding. We use various kite sizes to match you with the most suitable kite based on your weight in the current wind conditions. There is no age limit for kiteboarding, but you need to weigh at least 40 kg (88 lbs) and be able-bodied. You don’t need to be particularly strong, but you need to be able to use the bar that steers the kite.
Discover one of Rio's favelas, Santa Marta, and meet locals from the community. See the first peacemaking unit (UPP) of the Rio 2016 safety program, understand the favela’s history and current improvements, and see where one of Michael Jackson’s music video was filmed Marvel at views of Guanabara Bay and Botafogo area from Michael Jackson’s lookout.
The favelas of Rio are well known for all the wrong reasons. Join this Rio de Janeiro tour to see this area which never makes it into the tourist brochures but is full of life, diversity, history, and community.
It's no secret that Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Blessed with an incredibly stunning natural setting, Rio is famous for just how drop dead gorgeous it is. It's also just as famous for its poverty and often misunderstood shantytowns known as favelas. This Rio favela tour will give you a local look into the real Rio, from its beautiful vistas to one of its favelas, made famous in Michael Jackson’s ‘They Don’t Care About Us’ music video.
Accompanied by your local guide, step into the Santa Marta favela, and take a walk through the community. Meet locals and hear stories about what life is really like here. Navigate the narrow alleys, learn about local life, and dispel some of the myths surrounding these vibrant communities. In the heart of it all are some of the most stunning views in the city. We'll take a moment and stop so you can take it all in - Guanabara Bay and Botafogo look best from up here. Now is a great opportunity to reflect on your favela tour and ask your local guide any questions you may have.
You've just experienced the real Rio - there's no turning back now!
We invite you for an adventure the same way that the conquest of this mountain was made in 1817. From there we will begin a more technical hike, alternating stretches of land, stone ramps and some beautiful lookouts. After a small climbing we are back to walking to reach the observation deck of the Philosopher's Stone, which has magnificent views of Copacabana Beach, Pedra da Gávea and Two Brothers Hill.
The return is done by the Sugarloaf Cable Car, which leads us to Morro da Urca. Costão of Sugarloaf Mountain is an unforgettable adventure and a great opportunity for those who have never climbed, have a first contact with the sport, does not require previous experience and the descent is made by the most famous cable car in the world, the Sugarloaf Cable Car.
Disfruta de las vistas y los sonidos de Fortaleza en este fascinante tour, para a continuación relajarte en la bonita playa de Cumbuco. Este tour también ofrece la oportunidad de disfrutar de un emocionante paseo en buggy por las dunas y de probar tus habilidades con el ""esquibunda"", un popular deporte local.
Fortaleza es un destino muy atractivo, lleno de energía y con un clima soleado
Disfruta de las vistas y los sonidos de Fortaleza en este fascinante tour, para a continuación relajarte en la bonita playa de Cumbuco. Este tour también ofrece la oportunidad de disfrutar de un emocionante paseo en buggy por las dunas y de probar tus habilidades con el ""esquibunda"", un popular deporte local.
Fortaleza es un destino muy atractivo, lleno de energía y con un clima soleado durante todo el año. Contempla la belleza de la ciudad al completo mientras paseas por las calles del casco antiguo flanqueadas por edificios históricos en perfecto estado que datan del siglo XVII. Detente en la Catedral Metropolitana y admira los mosaicos de su interior antes de dirigirnos al animado mercado central. Fortaleza puede presumir de contar con un gran número de destacadas atracciones, que encontrarás en tu itinerario, como el Mausoleo del Presidente Castelo Branco, la Plaza de los Mártires y la Estatua de Iracema. También tendrás la oportunidad de hacerte con un souvenir en la famosa feria de artesanía situada en la playa de Meireles, de echar un vistazo al tranquilo puerto de balsas de Mucuripe y de visitar la muy querida Playa del Futuro..
En la segunda parte del tour reduciremos la velocidad para llevarte a la ruta de Sol Puente, donde descubrirás un oasis de playas paradisíacas. Nos detendremos en la famosa playa de Cumbuco. Cumbuco fue en sus orígenes una colonia de pescadores y puede presumir de tener un paisaje extraordinario dominado por enormes dunas de arena repletas de cocoteros y de resplandecientes charcas. Hunde los pies en la arena, prueba un cóctel o saborea la deliciosa cocina local mientras te relajas tomando el sol. Cuando te hayas cansado de descansar tendrás la opción de montarte en un buggy para recorrer las dunas o de practicar un deporte local, el ""esquibunda"", que consiste en bajar por las dunas a gran velocidad en una especie de trineo. Seguramente nunca te lo habrás pasado tan bien en tierra firme.
Punto de encuentro: Vestíbulo del hotel.
Duración: 8 horas.
Hora de inicio o apertura:7.45.
Idiomas: Inglés
Déjate embelesar por este tour de media jornada que te llevará a la vibrante ciudad de Salvador de Bahía. Con su encantador casco antiguo, su vibrante escena musical y sus populares celebraciones de carnaval con una gran influencia Africana, Salvador de Bahía es considerada la capital cultural de Brasil. Visitaremos el Dique de Tororó, con sus imágenes de orishas afrobrasileños, la Ciudad Baja, el Fuerte de Monte Serrat, el Elevador Lacerda y el Mercado Modelo, con su oferta de artesanía.
El tour comienza en el Dique de Tororó, donde podrás admirar las impresionantes estatuas de las deidades afrobrasileñas de los orixas, creadas por el artista local Tati Moreno. También veremos el exterior del estadio de fútbol de Fonte Nova, una de las sedes del Mundial de 2014. A continuación nos dirigiremos a la Ciudad Baja para visitar la iglesia del siglo XVIII de Nuestro Señor de Bonfim, un importante centro de peregrinación.
Proseguiremos nuestro tour en el Fuerte de Monte Serrat, una de las fortalezas más antiguas de Bahía, desde donde disfrutarás de unas vistas espectaculares de la ciudad y del océano Atlántico. A continuación haremos una rápida parada en el Mercado Modelo, un mercado de artesanía donde te podrás hacer con recuerdos hechos a mano, como por ejemplo amuletos de buena suerte o instrumentos musicales.
El tour termina con una visita al Elevador Lacerda, un bonito elevador restaurado de estilo art decó que conecta la Ciudad Alta con el puerto y el mercado. Justo enfrente, no te puedes perder el ayuntamiento, que data del siglo XVII, con sus impresionantes arcos, antes de regresar al hotel.
Portugués e inglés
Enjoy more, saved more, this package you are thinking to yourself and your family, enjoying the same services but with savings when purchased together.
1. Skydiving tandem jump.
Tandem Jump is the easiast way for you to get to know and feel all the emotions the sport can provide. On a tandem jump, you have fun without worrying as it is all done by experienced and qualified instructors that will come along during the flight.
Before the jump you will have a quick training where you will learn the ideal position to better enjoy the jump the safest and most confortable way. The instructor does all of the hard work for you, allowing you to enjoy the exhilarating feeling of flying through the clouds from over 10,000 feet at up to 120 mph! It's a truly magical ride!
2. Hiking.
Hiking is a non-competitive activity practiced specially in the nature and it is a great way to release stress from the cities. You interact with the wild life values while you practice a sport. In Sao Paulo there are many footpaths that take you to the beautiful waterfalls, paradisiac beaches and memorable landscapes. Cantareira State Park is one of them.
Cantareira State Park, listed by Unesco, has one of the largest areas of tropical rain forest in the world. It is divided into four visitation areas: Pedra Grande (Big Stone), Águas Claras (Clearwater), Engordador and Cabuçu. Pedra Grande is the most accessible for those coming from São Paulo, with trails of varying difficulty levels, an amphitheather and a museum. Extreme Trips will help you discover those natural wonders safely and stress free.
3. Rafting.
São Paulo is also known by the pronounced presence of the rain forest called “Mata Atlantica” (Atlantic Forest) with its rivers, footpaths and waterfalls. Rafting or white water rafting is the recreational outdoor activity of using an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. This is often done on white water or different degrees of rough water, in order to thrill and excite the raft passengers.
The development of this activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid-1970s, evolving from individuals paddling 10 feet (3.0 m) rafts with double-bladed paddles to multi-person rafts propelled by single-bladed paddles and steered by a tour guide at the stern. It is possible to practice rafting 77 Km away from Sao Paulo city.
Enjoy the natural beauty while feeling the adrenaline going down the most traditional river for rafting practice.
Explora Río desde arriba y desde abajo con este tour fascinante y colorido del Pan de Azúcar y de la ciudad de Río que te llevará a conocer el Corcovado, Maracaná y el Sambódromo. Empezaremos en el barrio de Urca, una joya que merece la pena descubrir despacio, con sus viejas casas y sus escasas tiendas. Las vistas de uno de los iconos de la Ciudad Maravillosa, la montaña del Pan de Azúcar, capturan nuestra atención. El recorrido en teleférico a lo más alto de la montaña se divide en dos tramos. En primer lugar, desde la estación de Praia Vermelha ("playa roja") hasta la colina de Urca (224 metros); y a continuación desde la colina de Urca hasta lo más alto del Pan de Azúcar (395 metros). Una vez allí podrás disfrutar de la vista panorámica más hermosa de Río de Janeiro.
La aventura continúa en el legendario estadio de Maracaná, escenario de algunos de los mayores eventos en el fútbol brasileño, y también de los más traumáticos. Maracaná fue inaugurado para acoger la Copa del Mundo de 1950 y en sus orígenes tenía un aforo de 200.000 espectadores sentados. El estadio fue reformado en parte en preparación para la Copa del Mundo de 2014 y será la sede de la final. El aforo actual es de 78.000 espectadores sentados, el mayor de Sudamérica. El Sambódromo, la estructura para albergar los desfiles de las escuelas de Samba de Río, también está en nuestro itinerario, al igual que una deliciosa comida en una churrasquería tradicional de estilo rodizio.
Completaremos la segunda parte del tour en el centro de Río de Janeiro con una vista panorámica del Teatro Municipal, la Biblioteca Nacional, Cinelandia, los Arcos de Lapa y con una visita a la Catedral Metropolitana de San Sebastián.