This tour will take you to the Southern coast of Zanzibar to the earlier capital of the Island - Kizimkazi, where traces of an Old Shirazi settlement (probably a fort) may be seen in an enclosure surrounded by a wall near the seashore. Near the walled enclosure is an
Ancient Mosque where an inscription records that the mosque was built in A. H. 500 (A. D. 1107) by Sheikh Seyyid Abi Amran, who appears to have been a local ruler. Outside the mosque is a well and are graves of Sheriffs (descendants of the Prophet).
Thereafter you will proceed to a small fishing village where you will be taken for a boat ride in a motorized local boat in search of wild dolphins. In Zanzibar occurs the year around the bottle nose and humpback dolphins; and there is a 85% chance of seeing them.
You will also get the opportunity to go snorkeling in the shallow turquoise water to discover some of the beautiful maritime life of Zanzibar.
This half day guided tour will take you to Muyuni “A”, a typical village in the southern district of Zanzibar. The people of Muyuni follow their culture, norms and tradition very closely and during this tour you will get the opportunity to mingle and interact with them and learn more about their lifestyle.
The village is fascinating and one will be able to see a number of traditional activities such as rope making, makuti plating, and weaving of Zanzibar baskets and mates.
The tour also includes a visit of the Ngonga cave located in the village - a beautiful gem sculptured by nature into underground halls, chambers and tunnels. It is a home of vampire bats, spirits and ghosts. It is used to do a traditional healing ceremony using witch craft of which one will be able to see it during this tour.
Tome un autobús local a Tengeru, ubicado a 20 minutos de Arusha. A su llegada, de un paseo por las calles estrechas del pueblo y mézclese con la población local mientras la observa en su vida cotidiana. Descubra como el café y otros cultivos son labrados por una familia antes de almorzar. Esta es una gran oportunidad para probar la cocina local y conocer a algunos de los lugareños. Tendrá la oportunidad de moler y tostar su propio café y probar una refrescante taza de su propio brebaje.
A wonderful experience of boating in Zanzibar aboard a local dhow departing from the beautiful beach of Fumba on the southwest coast of Zanzibar, where picturesque sceneries are worth a postcard.
Fumba waters are between Zanzibar and the mainland, lying on the Zanzibar Channel, which makes this area almost always calm.
The crystal clear waters and beautiful snorkelling landscapes will be a highlight of this trip. Your day starts with spotting dolphins and maybe whale; from your dhow you’ll admire these playful mammals in the tranquil Indian Ocean.
Now, it’s time to step into paradise and appreciate the wonders of mother nature: leave your shoes, cell phone, IPod and all likewise stuff on the boat, and walk on this “whitey sandy bank”. Feel under your feet the fine white sand, look how it’s delightfully surrounded by blue waters and covered by a blue-sky; seriously, what more can you ask for?
Well, we say you deserve more! Snorkelling here is stunningly beautiful; this area is part of the Menai conservation and largely unspoiled. Our friendly crew is ready to hand you our high standard snorkelling gear and guide you to the best-kept underwater treasure to see all colourful fish and sometimes turtles. If you choose to just chill on the sand bank, refreshments will be served throughout. From here you are taken to swim in a natural pool sitting between old coral rocks and mangrove trees, and there are no crocodiles!
It is now time to go to Kwale Island to enjoy your seafood buffet, seated almost in the ocean; rock lobster, prawns, calamari, octopus, 2 types of fish, coconut sauce and rice and chapatti- yummy! Dessert consists of almost 10 different types of exotic fruits and Zanzibar coffee. Take a sun bed, relax and reflect on this tiny paradise that belongs to you for a day and then back to Fumba- what a happy ending!
Disfruta de una excursión de un día entero a bordo de un dhow – el tradicional navío de casco ovalado y vela triangular. Los barcos salen del pueblo pesquero de Fumba, el cual es el punto de inicio ideal para explorar la bahía de Menai, el área de conservación marina más extensa de Zanzíbar. La bahía alberga varias islas deshabitadas, bancos de arena, vida marina impoluta y aguas turquesas y es el destino favorito de los delfines jorobados y los delfines mulares o «delfines de nariz de botella», por lo que hay una probabilidad muy alta de avistarlos.
El tour también te brinda la oportunidad de hacer esnórquel en un arrecife y saborear un delicioso almuerzo de mariscos. Tras el almuerzo, aprovecha y únete a una experimentada tripulación para navegar en una «ngalawa» o canoa de balancín hecha a mano con un solo árbol de mango. Cuando la marea lo permita, puedes nadar a través de un exuberante bosque de manglares en una laguna escondida. Además, puedes escalar un gigantesco e inusual baobab o, si lo prefieres, simplemente admirarlo desde el suelo.
Al acabar el día, la tripulación levanta una vela latina (si el viento lo permite) para emprender el viaje de vuelta a Fumba.
Experience real urban life outside Stone Town in greater Zanzibar City. We’ll meet up in front of the Old Fort in Stone Town and begin our urban adventure by driving past Darajani Market towards the northern neighbourhoods of Zanzibar City.
* Escape the familiarity of Stone Town with an adventure in greater Zanzibar City
* Experience the vibrant atmosphere and amazing variety of Zanzibar’s biggest market
* Visit a local woodshop to learn how Zanzibar’s famous wooden beds and carved doors are made
* Try your hand at the loom of a humble textile workshop
* Enjoy a tasty late lunch and local beer at an army bar overlooking the Indian Ocean
On our way, we’ll pass the old Sultan Palace ruins, Zanzibar University, and one of the most populous suburbs, Bubu.
Our first stop on this Zanzibar tour will be at a textile workshop to see how the vibrant fabrics are dyed and turned into traditional clothing and decorative pieces. Although the textiles are rich, the workshop still functions in a very humble setting – adapting day by day as they work on new orders. If you want to learn more, you can even book to come in another day and create your own products.
From there, we’ll head over to a local woodworking shop where beautiful traditional handicrafts are made, including the intricate carved doors you've no doubt noticed in Stone Town. You can even try your own skills at carving!
Our route continues to one of the biggest markets in town where you’ll get to taste dafu, refreshing juice from a whole coconut. We’ll explore the different sections of this huge market, taking in the amazing selection of exotic local fruits and vegetables, fish, and meat.
After visiting the market we’ll travel to our last destination, Chukwani, passing through the wealthiest suburbs where the parliament house and expensive homes are located. We complete our Zanzibar tour with a local meal and beer at a restaurant with a breathtaking view of the ocean. If you want to stay and take in the restaurant atmosphere, we’ll help you to arrange a taxi home, if not, you can join us to go back to Stone Town.
Descubre la belleza de la isla conocida como Prison Island (isla Prisión), admira los coloridos peces y las tortugas importadas de Seychelles que viven y se reproducen en este asombroso parque natural. Aprovecha la ocasión para bucear en el océano Índico y explorar su vida marina.
Almuerzo tradicional suajili, queso local, pescado, frutas tropicales, té helado con especias, café, refrescos y vino incluidos.
La isla Changuu, también conocida como la isla de la Prisión, se encuentra a unos 30 minutos en barco de Stone Town.
La isla fue usada para encerrar a los esclavos insumisos, aunque en realidad no hubo prisioneros aquí, si no que la isla se convirtió en un centro de cuarentena para las epidemias de fiebre amarilla. Fue comprada por el general Lloyd Mathews, quien construyó un complejo penitenciario en 1893; de aquí el sobrenombre de la isla de la Prisión.
En 1919, el gobernador británico de Seychelles envió un regalo que consistía en cuatro tortugas gigantes de Aldabra, hoy en día una especie amenazada. En la isla hay una fundación dedicada al cuidado de las tortugas.
El tour incluye una vista a esta histórica isla y te brinda la oportunidad de observar y alimentar las tortugas. Además, si lo prefieres, podrás nadar, tomar el sol o practicar el esnórquel.
Inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, español y árabe
Zanzibar is renowned for its beautiful waters and full of fish, especially the waters between the northern tip Zanzibar and Pemba.
Some of East Africa’s best deep sea fishing grounds is here, highly rich and almost untouched apart from small fishermen boats. A number of good catch are found here year long, amongst others are barracuda, wahoo, king fish, travelli and dorado, bonito, tuna. Fishing in Zanzibar is an amazing experience you are going to remember for a long, long time after your departure.
Also sailfish, swordfish and marlin are preys in these waters.
We provide highly professional services and our boats are equipped to the highest international safety standards. The boats also have the latest fishing technology with GPS navigational aids, Echo sounders and fish finder.
Visite el hogar de los niños de Amani en Moshi. Amani ayuda a los niños de la calle, dándoles un lugar seguro donde quedarse y apoyo educativo y emocional. Conozca la nueva escuela que ha sido construida con la ayuda de los donantes y déjese inspirar por este proyecto que está cambiando la vida de los niños. Disfrute de un paseo por el pueblo de Mshiri, la base para el proyecto de educación de la aldea, donde seremos testigos de la vida del día a día del pueblo Chagga, que se establecieron como productores de cultivos en las fértiles laderas del monte Kilimanjaro. El almuerzo ofrece la oportunidad de probar la comida Chagga, que es abundante. También visitaremos las cascadas cercanas para admirar las vistas de las llanuras.