Tickets > Tickets en Marruecos

Tickets en Marruecos

If you ever wanted to live a unique experience, it's the opportunity to take part in an unforgettable balloon flight.

After a short drive and a warm welcome, you can see the professional team preparing the balloon. Then we fly with an experienced pilot to watch the sunrise from more than 500m, drifting over houses, trees and breathtaking landscapes.

We finish with a traditional Moroccan breakfast in a Berber tent before being driven back to the hotel.

desde 195,32 €

Speed your way over sand and country tracks in a thrilling buggy ride that will leave you wanting more!


* Adrenaline pumping adventure
* Drive the buggy over varying terrain
* Includes a refreshment stop in a village house

With your goggles and bandana on, it’s time to get set, ready and go! Tear your way through the countryside in a two-seater buggy for a thrilling adventure. Set off along the tracks, leaving only dirt behind you, and feel the excitement of racing a buggy.

After picking you up from the hotel we head to the buggy ranch, where after a quick health and safety briefing, you’ll be given the basics on how to drive the buggy. Then we’re ready for adventure! Take your seat and set off. At the mid-way point we stop for a well-earned break in a local house, where you can sip on a sweet mint tea and homemade bread. Return to the buggy ranch invigorated and ready for the afternoon ahead.

desde 76,16 €

Arabian warriors on horseback, glittering belly dancers and dare-devil acrobats. All there to entertain you as you dine at this traditional Fantasia dinner show. Food-wise, you'll sit down in traditional Bedouin tents and be served dish after dish of mouth-watering Moroccan cuisine and local wines. After the meal, get comfortable with a soothing mint tea and a plate of local cookies while you watch the show's finale. A full-on fun-packed evening for all the family.

Agadir is very renowned for the most beautiful coastline . This excursion is a chance to escape the city and relax aboard this manificent Catamaran. Along the way, Color blue of the Atlantic Ocean in spreads of view, a professional team will propose you a comfortable, safe and refreshing dip. 10:00h Departure from the hotel arrival to the Marina After casting off, cape on the West then return towards the palace, the navigation Possibility to make bathin in approximately 300m of the beach and 10 m of draft + collation included Return to Marina

desde 31,36 €

Olvida los convencionalismos y explora las afueras de Marrakech de una de las mejores maneras posibles, ¡galopando por parajes desérticos a lomos de tu propio caballo! Disfruta de este viaje épico de 50 kilómetros por la Cordillera del Atlas, atravesando magníficas llanuras áridas que ofrecen unas vistas inmejorables de la ciudad de Marrakech. Empápate de la auténtica cultura rural marroquí, accede a una vivienda y comprueba por ti mismo la calidez y hospitalidad con la que te reciben mientras degustas un delicioso té a la menta, una auténtica exquisitez.

Siente el viento acariciar tu piel mientras cabalgas por los serpenteantes senderos de las afueras de Marrakech. Haz una breve pausa y admira de lejos la animada ciudad mientras te adentras paulatinamente en esta magnífica zona que tiene vida propia. Déjate seducir por el sorprendente contraste de colores que te regalan los distintos paisajes y disfruta del control que ejerces sobre tu fiel corcel mientras ralentizas o aceleras su paso. El guía siempre estará atento y te irá mostrando los lugares más interesantes a lo largo de la ruta amenizando la jornada con historias tradicionales y anécdotas diversas.

A continuación, descubre los aspectos menos conocidos de la cultura marroquí. Acepta la invitación a una vivienda típica y degusta el delicioso té de menta tradicional, por el que Marruecos es tan conocido, que amablemente te ofrecerán tus anfitriones antes de montar de nuevo a lomos de tu caballo para concluir este emocionante recorrido.

Inglés y francés.

desde 27,6 €

Travelling by 4x4, through the spectacular mountains of valleys and hamlets of Morocco, to the majestic Sahara Desert. With a stay in a traditional bivouac tent, this two day tour of diversity and adventure is a must-do for anyone wanting to experience the real Morocco.

Parking of Ensemble Artisanal, Avenue Mohammed V

Aléjate de los caminos más concurridos y descubre todo un mundo diferente con áridos paisajes y encantadores pueblecitos locales en los alrededores de Marrakech. Sube a tu buggy y pisa a fondo el acelerador en una frenética carrera que levantará nubes de polvo y arena. No existe una forma más divertida de conocer la parte más rural de Marrakech que con este intenso recorrido de 50 kilómetros que disparará tu adrenalina.

- Deslízate a través del desierto en un quad
- Escápate del ajetreo y bullicio de la ciudad
- Termina tu viaje disfrutando de un té de menta tradicional

Disfruta de la sensación de velocidad cuando te desplaces por el paisaje desértico de Marrakech. Elige tu propio camino y domina los diferentes tipos de terreno a bordo de este vehículo apto para moverse por hierba, rocas o arena. Recibirás un cursillo completo con el que aprenderás las técnicas de conducción y las medidas de seguridad del buggy antes de que te den las llaves y empiece la diversión.

Para un momento y contempla la belleza de la ciudad de Marrakech desde lo lejos, cuya silueta e iluminación recuerdan a un organismo con vida. Descubre el impresionante contraste de colores en los diferentes paisajes que te rodean y conoceluego otra arista de la cultura marroquí cuando visites algunos pueblos locales. Te acogerán con su habitual hospitalidad y podrás probar el famoso té de menta de Marruecos.

Inglés y francés.

desde 56 €

El Jadida or Mazagan, a former Phoenician trading post taken by the Portuguese in 1513 is located on the Atlantic coast, some 90 km south of Casablanca. The city still hosts today a lot of Portuguese monuments from that time, like the massive city walls, bastions and ramparts and inside the walls one can still see many houses of Portuguese style. However the most important building is the Portuguese Cistern often used by film-makers, including in Orson Welles movie Othello.

Our excursion starts with a drive to the City of El Jadida for a visit of its typical Medina and souks surrounded by imposant ramparts. The fortifications here are an excellent example of Portuguese Renaissance military design and the most important example are the Portuguese cistern, an enormous underground reservoir contained within an amazing Gothic architecture. After the visit of the Cistern return to Casablanca.

desde 168,44 €

Ouarzazate, city of colors, Kasbahs and tradition is also popular location for movies specially that require the desert scene. In this excursion you will discover the wonders of this city. Cross tizi’nTichka pass where the views colors change in every turn, pass behind the decorations of the cinema to understand how behave literally movies, by visiting huge studio convening about 30000 large piece of desert, you will be able to catch a glimpse of some movies like Laurence of Arabia, Star wars and gladiators that have been filmed here, visiting the cinema museum and the Kasbah of Pacha Galoui, admire a panoramic view of Ait ben Haddou a well preserved site by unisco world heritage.

desde 98,55 €

The Souks in Rabat are completely different than the other in the imperial cities. Renovated a few years ago, decorated in traditional way, it became a clean and clear place, more frequented by Moroccan than tourists, that makes your visit more original.

Carpet, Pottery, Wooden and Stone products, Silver jewels: all Moroccan artisanal handcrafts are presented.

desde 31,36 €