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Tickets en Rumanía

Active Trekking day Tour in Piatra Craiului National Park - medium trek Highlights: Piatra Craiului National Park, Curmatura hut, Zarnesti Gorges. Duration 6-8 hours, medium, excellent view throughout the day, uphill/downhill walk 700 m/700 m.

Piatra Craiului National Park, crossing Zarnesti Gorges. Visit two of the most authentic mountain villages: Pestera & Magura. Between June and September, we make a stop to an authentic sheep farm. The route might be changed due to weather conditions. Points of interest/ itinerary Piatra Craiului National Park, Curmatura hut, Zarnesti Gorges

Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 41,35 €

You will meet with your guide and enjoy a day trip in Bucovina, home to one of the world’s greatest art treasures: the Painted Monasteries, known in the UNESCO patrimony as the Churches of Moldavia, included since 1993. We will start our tour with a visit to Romania’s most renowned monastery: Voronet, a jewel of the UNESCO northern heritage whose frescoes -featuring an intense shade of blue- have become famous throughout the world.

Not far from here is Humor Monastery, a small, cross-shaped church, built in 1530 which will delight your sight. Our next stop will be at Moldovita monastery, an architectural masterpiece in the Byzantine style included among the UNESCO world heritage sites. The last visit for the day will be at Marginea, a famous folk art center, best known for black ceramics which is made here. You will witness the craft of moulding clay, according to a technique unique in the world. Afterwards, you will be transferred back to Iasi.

desde 37,5 €

Conoce con nosotros la rica y variada historia espiritual de la multicultural Constanza, en la costa sur de Rumanía. Durante esta excursión de tres horas por la ciudad, visitarás algunos de los lugares de culto más importantes para los diferentes grupos étnicos y religiosos asentados en esta parte del país.

Saldremos de la Plata Ovidiu, la principal plaza del casco antiguo de Constanza, y empezaremos visitando la mezquita más grande de Rumanía. Erigida en 1910, fue un regalo del rey como reconocimiento por la contribución de los musulmanes a la comunidad. Seguiremos caminando hasta la catedral católica romana de San Antón, una de las pocas de su tipo en la región, y tendremos tiempo para admirar este gran ejemplo de la arquitectura típica del norte de Italia. Muy cerca, nos espera la iglesia ortodoxa más importante de la región: la catedral ortodoxa de San Pedro y San Pablo. Construida en estilo neo-bizantino, junto a la costa, destaca el hecho de que sobreviviera a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y, tras ser reformada, lograra conservar su esplendor. Terminarás tu recorrido por Constanza con una visita al Museo de Arte Popular para empaparte de los usos y costumbres del lugar descubriendo la forma de vida de los agricultores de la región de Dobruja.

Ven a conocer Constanza, una ciudad donde la diversidad convive en armonía, donde cada comunidad, a pesar de su origen dispar, ha sabido preservar con éxito su identidad.

desde 12,6 €

Profundiza en la inquietante historia de Bucarest con una visita al Monasterio de Snagov y un paseo por la parte más antigua de la ciudad.


* Entrada al Monasterio de Snagov
* Conoce la historia de Vlad el Empalador
* Admira la primera corte real, Curtea Veche

Comienza el recorrido con un tour panorámico por el centro de Budapest y pon rumbo a Snagov, a sólo una hora en coche de la capital. En este misterioso monasterio es donde, según la tradición local, fue enterrado Vlad el Empalador, el personaje que inspiraría a Drácula más tarde. Admira esta hermosa construcción de estilo bizantino y gran valor histórico. En su interior, podrás contemplar la mayor colección de frescos medievales de Valaquia. Durante siglos, Snagov se utilizó como tesorería, prisión o lugar de refugio de diferentes gobernantes de Valaquia y su emplazamiento, una pequeña isla, constituye un verdadero paraíso que no te puedes perder, con jardines, flores y árboles centenarios.

Después de la visita, regresa a la ciudad. Allí, te espera un delicioso almuerzo en un restaurante local, imprescindible si deseas reponer fuerzas para el posterior paseo por la zona más antigua de Bucarest. Recorre con tu guía las calles con más encanto y detente frente a Curtea Veche, la primera corte real de la ciudad fundada por Vlad el Empalador.

desde 41,6 €

Este abono de ciudad incluye la oferta cultural de la ciudad de manera integrada: 10 visitas a los museos gratis, 2 días gratis de transporte en metro, descuentos en 23 bares y restaurantes.

Nicolae Tonitza street, No 10,

To understand Romania, you should taste its wine. When visiting Romania, it’s a shame to skip one very important, part of Romanian culture and tradition, that is still a mystery for most foreign visitors: wine.

Almost 200.000 hectares of vineyards, over 100 wine cellars with tradition and award winning wines in global contests, more than 12 native vine varieties unique in the world, and thousands of years of wine tradition. Yes, you read correctly, thousands of years of wine tradition. Actually, Romania has one of the oldest wine tradition in the world – more than 6000 years of viticulture and it is believed that Dionysos, the God of wine, was born on this land.

Now that we’ve captured your attention with facts and beautiful history, how about some wine tasting? To understand Romania, you should taste its wine. The tasting includes 5 tipes of wines (50 ml per glass , 2 white wines, 2 red wines and 1 rose wine + a cheese plate per 2 people).

When choosing a wine flight experience, along with amazing taste of reds, whites, roses the Wine Guide will unveil the legends of the vineyards, tell stories about the people that created the wine and their secrets of the wine making. It is not just drinking wine, it is sensory experience with an incursion in Romanian culture and tradition and fascinating insights into the world of Romanian wine production. The experience is deliciously enjoyable and educational in the same time. You’ll feel like having a guided wine-tour of Romania, without leaving Old Town Bucharest.

With this tour, we give you a unique opportunity to sample some of the surprisingly good Romanian wines. And to complete the experience, wines are served with little bites to eat.

A 5% discount is available at the wine bar at the end of the wine tasting.

desde 28,6 €

Piata Sfatului Square

The tour offers a spectacular view of the forest area on a good and safe biking trail, which gives the tourists the opportunity to discover the natural charm of the forest in an active way. The itinerary goes through the alpine meadows and cool, dark woods.

The tour starts in Brasov and goes to Poiana Brasov through the woods for about 10 km, followed by a tour of the resort. There are several stops included, whenever needed. The way back down to Poiana Brasov is made on the asphalt on a 12 km road.

Exceptions: if the tourists are not in shape for the entire physical effort of the standard tour, then an easier tour will be set in the spot.

Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 39,3 €

The tour begins with a drive by coach to the vineyards of Murfatlar, one of the best wine-makers in Romania and the largest wine-producer in the country, winners of over 200 medals in contests around the world. First, you will visit the Murfatlar Museum that was established in 1970 and has valuable antique items on display that were used to produce wine by our ancestors. A wine-tasting will follow at Murfatlar Restaurant, where three white wines and two red wines will be featured, all from Murfatlar. Your wine-tasting experience will be accompanied by the artistic performance of the Murfatlar folk band. After your authentic experience you return to Constanta and the hotel.

Meeting/ Pick up point: The clients will be picked up from their accommodation.
Duration: 3 hours.
Start or opening time: at 01.30 pm.
Languages: Guide available in English, or another language: German, Italian, French, Spanish, if available upon client's request.

desde 45,8 €

Unirea Shopping Center, Pia?a Unirii 1

This tour is a part of the Urban Adventures Home Cooked series and aims to give you one of the richest travelling experiences you can ever have – the opportunity to enjoy a meal with a family in a local home. Your local hosts speak English well, so you won’t need sign language to understand each other!

The aim is for you to experience life exactly how it is in Bucharest. It is the chance for you to hang out with everyday locals, and get to know Romanian culture through their eyes, and their food. Could there be a more perfect way to get to know local life in Bucharest? We don’t think so. You will be met at the meeting point by one of the family who speaks English. We’ll head back to your hosts’ home, and after you’re introduced; it’s time to get our chef hats on!

In terms of the cooking, you can do as much or as little as you like. If you want to learn some Romanian cooking techniques and recipes, this is your chance to learn from a local. They will be happy to show you the ropes. But if you want to just sit back, chat, and relax, that’s cool too. When the food is ready you will all sit down together and share the meal prepared, enjoy the conversation, or maybe you’ll even look at each other’s photographs and maybe take some more all together.

This experience is real. Our families come from all walks of life. Some you might find have a similar lifestyle to your own, whereas others might come from a very different background. This is your chance to get to know the people of Romania in their own homes – something that you certainly won’t find on every tour in Bucharest! The beauty of this project is that everyone involved in our Home Cooked Series is someone who wants to meet travellers and share experiences with them.

desde 56 €

Hotel Vega -Mamaia

Adventure seekers and anyone wishing to experience unique moments will be glad to discover the Adornate schooner, which is available for cruises on the Black Sea. Embark on a unique and relaxing 4 hour cruise along the Romania Black Sea Shore to experience a relaxing afternoon at board of one of the best schooners in Romania.

Adornate with an elegant and imposing design built in 1961 and refurbished in 2006. It is specially designed for all lovers of luxury and seaborne adventures. The ship has sailed the entire Mediterranean Sea, from the Balearic Islands, Barcelona and Valencia to the French Riviera, from Marseille to Monte Carlo. Chartered in its time in countries such as Italy, Croatia and Greece, the Adornate has also participated in the most important maritime events in the Mediterranean Sea.

Once aboard the ship, you will be greeted by the captain and the crew, receive a full history of the schooner and be able to visit every inch of the ship. The ship has a cash bar providing refreshments and snacks (not included in the price). The large deck of the sailing ship is specially designed to facilitate individuals’ enjoyment of moments of relaxation and pampering but also suits group activities.