If you have had enough time discovering all bustling tourist attractions in Siem Reap and you want to have a unique experience in a ceramic class, join us for an amazing half day tour
-Have unique experience in Siem Reap
-Enjoy fun time with your family, your kids and your friends
-Go home with the Angkorian traditional bowl made by yourself.
First, you will have a short visit of the center. On this visit, you will learn the different steps to make ceramics, observe and explore how different kiln work (ceramic’s oven) at the kiln Museum.
Then, you will and learn the different tools before start the activity. After that, you can begin this interesting activity. You can choose one of these options:
-You will make 3 Angkorian Bowls with a master potter on a potter wheel. You will be meticulously taught by the teacher.
-You will make 2 Angkorian bowls on a potter wheel without the instruction of the teacher.
- A professional carver show and begin the carving of the first bowl.
- You will use the handmade tools to finish carve the first and the 4 other bowls together with a teacher.
And you can choose one of the bowls you made, to bring home. You will receive your functional bowl at around 4.p.m the next day
If you have had enough time discovering all bustling tourist attractions in Siem Reap and you want to have a unique experience discovering Siem Reap countryside, let’s join in an amazing half day tour discovering the countryside in Siem Reap by Quadbike.
* Have unique experience in Siem Reap
* Know more about the daily life of locals in Siem Reap
* Visit Prasat Prey Monti and Kork Srok village
You will be picked up at your hotel to enjoy an amazing tour discovering shooting range package in Phnom Penh. You will be taken to the farming communities surrounding Siem Reap by motorbike. You will go on the road lying among rural green rice fields, unique houses on stilts, and huge banana plantations.
Then, you will pay a visit to the ruins of Prasat Prey Monti – one of the most ancient temples of ancient Angkor. Next, you will get a great opportunity to stop at couple of local workshops and farms. When going through the Kork Srok village, you can watch Khmer bats taking a rest on trees in their natural habitat.
After washing mud off your feet and enjoying a refreshing drink, you will be transferred back to your hotel in Siem Reap.
Pocas ciudades han soportado tantas tragedias en su pasado reciente como Phnom Penh. Este viaje emocional de medio día te lleva a algunos de los lugares más estrechamente asociados con el capítulo más oscuro en la historia de Camboya. Habrá desgarradores momentos que detallan algunos de los crímenes incalificables que sufrió la gente común durante los cuatro años de reinado de terror de los jemeres rojos.
El tour comienza donde todo empezó, cuando visitemos el lugar donde los periodistas acampaban en 1975 en la víspera de la toma de posesión del Khmer Rouge. Verás un edificio que ha quedado calcinado y agujereado por las balas tal y como quedó tras la guerra.
A continuación nos enfrentaremos al sangriento pasado de Camboya con una visita guiada por el Museo del Genocidio Tuol Sleng. Esta antigua escuela sirvió como centro de torturas de los jemeres rojos, y es un doloroso recordatorio de la brutalidad de lo ocurrido en este país empobrecido. Luego nos dirigiremos fuera de la ciudad, al Memorial Choueng, donde una pagoda compuesta de miles de cráneos humanos marca el sitio de uno de los notorios campos de asesinato. Este impactante memorial recuerda la inhumanidad del régimen de los jemeres rojos. La magnitud del derramamiento de sangre que cayó sobre Phnom Penh queda patente por el hecho de que su población se redujo de 370.000 a 32.000 personas durante esta pesadilla totalitaria.
Have you ever had a chance to stand at a stunning place and take nice photos of hundreds of other people? You want to experience it? Let’s join in an amazing full-day tour discovering Angkor photo in Siem Reap.
-Have great chance of taking pictures during the sunrise
-See eight places and temples of this unique town
-Learn about metering modes, auto-focus modes and white balance
-Take many beautiful photos
Enjoy an amazing full-day tour discovering Angkor photo in Siem Reap. You will be told the way to handle the manual settings of your camera, the meaning of aperture, IOS and shutter speed. Moreover, you will be taught about metering modes, auto-focus modes and white balance. And more necessary, you will be told how to apply those things. Both beginners and pros will get the maximum out of this day.
You will be taken to the best places, the most spectacular scenes by the professional western photography guides as they exactly know the path of the large tourist groups which helps to prevents you from meeting them.
The Boat Half Day Tour of Chong Khneas will begin when we pick you up from your Hotel or Guesthouse in an air-conditioned vehicle. Our friendly and knowledgeable tour guides speak English and they will ensure that you enjoy your tour, pointing out areas of local interest along the way and answering any questions you may have. It takes about 20 minutes to reach the port of Chong Khneas, and upon arrival we will exit the vehicle and jump onto one of the smaller boat with life jackets and driven by experienced and safe local drivers.
On route to the Boat we will make stops at rice paddy and lotus field. The second stop will be the Crocodile & Fish Farm at Chong Khneas.
The boat ride through Chong Khneas will allow you to see ordinary Cambodians going about their daily life in the floating village. Fishermen, boat-makers, markets, schools, spirit houses and waving children are always in plentiful supply on this mesmerizing scenic route, and it is not uncommon for the scenery of Chong Khneas to provoke silence on the boat, as customers take in the sights and sounds that surround them. Once the trip through Chong Khneas is complete, your boat will briefly enter the edge of the Great Lake before docking with the boat on the Tonle Sap Lake.
There you will enjoy a well-deserved meals and 2-cold drink for free! Afterwards you can lie back in a hammock, take a seat on the viewing deck or get your photo taken at the steering wheel. You'll leave the boat and head back to the port at Chong Khneas where your air-conditioned vehicle will be waiting to transport you directly home to your Hotel or Guesthouse.
Angkor es tan grande y tiene tanto que ofrecer que es fácil pasar por alto la zona llamada ''pequeño Angkor'', con sus impresionantes templos y ruinas palaciegas. Esta fascinante excursión de tres horas desde Siem Reap te ofrecerá ''lo mejor de lo mejor'', con una visita al Prasat Kravan, el Mebon oriental, el Pre Rup y el Neak Pean.
La primera visita será al elegante templo de Prasat Kravan, con sus cinco torres de ladrillo, sobre los cuales están tallados directamente los bajorrelieves, y no en piedra como otros templos. Se cree que pudieron haber sido mandadas construir por la nobleza en vez de por el rey, y llaman la atención sus magníficas esculturas de Visnú y Lakshmi, que han soportado el paso del tiempo y las inclemencias de la jungla.
Después dirígete hacia el Mebon oriental, situado en lo que antes fue un islote en medio del embalse de Baray oriental, ahora prácticamente seco. Sus cinco torres representan las cinco cimas del mítico monte Meru, y es famoso por sus fantásticas estatuas de leones y elefantes.
Continúa hacia el templo piramidal de Pre Rup, que data del siglo X y fue dedicado al dios Shiva. A continuación explora el Neak Pean, un pequeño templo situado en medio de un estanque. Se cree que era el oratorio de un hospital.
Por último, visita el olvidado complejo de Preah Khan, donde encontrarás que los pabellones, los santuarios, las torres, templos y murallas resisten el ataque de la implacable jungla que amenaza con tragárselos para siempre.
Disfrute la experiencia de ir en remok en frente de su hotel para ver el amanecer en Angkor Wat. También podré hacer bonitas fotos de las impresionantes vistas mientras escucha a un guía experimentado, todo antes de volver al hotel para disfrutar del desayuno y de su tiempo libre. La duración puede ser de una hora aproximadamente.
El enigmático Angkor Wat y sus templos de alrededor son tesoros escondidos en medio de la selva que esperan ser explorados. Únete a nosotros para descubrir lo mejor de los templos con almuerzo incluido.
Empezaremos nuestro viaje en la imponente puerta sur de Angkor Thom. Este intrincado arco de entrada con torres de 23 metros fue construido en el siglo XII durante la dinastía de Jayavarman VII y es famoso por su representación del Batido del Océano de Leche. Al atravesar el foso se encuentran los devas y asuras en su interminable lucha, mientras que unas enormes caras de piedra te observan desde lo alto a medida que cruzas hacia el templo-ciudad del otro lado.
A continuación nos dirigiremos al emblemático templo con rostros de Bayon. Se piensa que las más de 200 gigantescas caras sonrientes representan al mismo rey Jayavarman VII mirándote desde cualquier ángulo de cada una de las 54 torres. Nos trasladaremos hasta el impresionante templo Baphuon, del siglo XI y de forma piramidal, que representa a un enorme Buda recostado.
La siguiente parada será la Terraza de los Reyes Leper donde se pueden observar algunas tallas primitivas excepcionalmente conservadas y la Terraza de los Elefantes, soportada por elefantes esculpidos en piedra, que sirvió como gigantesca plataforma de observación en las ceremonias reales. Después de almorzar, visitaremos la joya de la corona: Angkor Wat, el monumento religioso más grande del mundo. Su famosa silueta e increíbles frisos en bajorrelieve nunca dejan de impresionar. El mero tamaño y tranquilidad del monumento es verdaderamente impresionante. Finalizaremos la excursión con un viaje a Phnom Bakheng para admirar las magníficas vistas de la puesta de sol.
Visit a local fruit market and navigate the alleyways of a bustling market. Explore the stalls and bright lights at Siem Reap’s largest local picnic spot. Hear insights from our local guide on Cambodian favourites, including fried cricket, red ant, and spider.Savour the flavours of Siem Reap snacks, dinner, and dessert. Interact with the locals in areas which see few other foreign visitors.
It’s time for an epic local food adventure. Your authentic Siem Reap evening starts off with a ride on a moto-remork, an articulated moto-rickshaw that’s commonly seen on Siem Reap’s streets. We’ll zip you through the streets, off the tourist trail and straight into local street heaven.
Your food-loving local guide will uncover hidden local street food treasures and beloved recommendations of local snacks, such as yellow bean cake or Khmer rice cake. Our food mission continues with a tasting of seasonal fruits that are grown in and around Siem Reap, like the purple kiwi fruit-like dragon fruit, mango, tiny (but sweet!) pineapple, and the stinky king of all fruit – the mighty durian! You’ll also see the spices and other ingredients featured in local food, and hear about the traditional remedies and medicine.
Next, we’ll hit up a local picnic spot where stalls are set up in the early evening selling a multitude of interesting snacks. As we wander around, you might see fried tarantulas, which are usually enjoyed with a cold beer; fried crickets, which taste like potato chips; barbecued meat on skewers; Khmer Fried Chicken; green mango served with chili and salt; ducks eggs; barbecued corn; and deliciously sweet purple mangosteen.
Hopefully you still have room for even more amazing Cambodian food, because our next stop is a local restaurant to sample some tasty local delicacies, before finishing at a dessert stall where fruit shakes, fruit with sweeten condensed milk and baked puddings are the specialty.
After dinner, you’ll have the option to return to your hotel or end our Siem Reap food tour at Pub Street – a convenient spot that’s perfect for exploring local bar and café life. Alternatively, our local guide will be happy to provide some less touristy recommendations for a great night out.
In the morning, we start with going to Angkor Thom city, founded in 12th century by king Jayavarman VII and remained the capital until 17th century. At this city, you will visit the most well-preserved gate amongst all the fives, then continue to the peaceful smiling faced tower temple of Bayon where you can imagine how amazing would it be for the first explorer who was there when there was no one but trees with umbrella-like branches and other types of creeping vegetation.
Then it will be time for you to stroll around the tourist-wish-to-see jungle temple, so-called Ta Prhom, overgrown by huge tree monsters with snake-like roots, which is featured in Tomb Raider movie. After having shot hundreds of photographs, we will head to the active pilgrimage site of Angkor Wat, the biggest Hindu temple in the world to enjoy with the longest lively carving wall of more than 2000 meters long by 2 meters high, excluding relief on ceiling and on hundreds of roof supporting pillars.
After completed the tour around all the most visited temples in Angkor area, you still have time to admire whole view of Angkorwat temple, rice paddy, north east highland and active reservoir of West Baray and to get fresh air on the summit of Phnom Bakeng hill till sun set.