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Tickets en Uruguay

Emprende un apasionante viaje desde la capital hasta uno de los mejores balnearios del mundo, Punta del Este. Su frescura y sus hermosos paisajes y costas seducen a millones de turistas cada año.

- Conoce los principales atractivos de Punta del Este
- Admira bellos paisajes y pasea a lo largo de la costa
- Descubre una ciudad de moda

Comienza tu recorrido por el fascinante litoral de la Península uruguaya y haz una parada en dos playas de referencia, Atlántida y Piriápolis, antes de ascender hasta el Cerro de San Antonio, donde te aguardan increíbles vistas panorámicas y una naturaleza abrumadora. Recorre después la Rambla de los Argentinos, una avenida costera con un ambiente inmejorable, y sorpréndete más tarde con la famosa construcción del artista uruguayo Carlos Páez Vilaró; Casapueblo.

Seguidamente te adentrarás en exclusivos barrios residenciales como Beverly Hills, San Rafael, Cantegril y Golf y cruzarás el curioso puente ondulante Barra Maldonado, un sitio único y muy de moda durante los últimos veranos. Finalmente, tras visitar las playas Mansa y Brava, te dirigirás a la Avenida Gorlero, la principal zona comercial de la ciudad, y dispondrás de tiempo libre para ir de compras por tu cuenta.

desde 37,69 €

Enjoy more, save more! This package is ideal for you and your family. Enjoy the same tours but with savings when purchased together.

Montevideo City Tour
An outstanding tour visiting during three-hour time, the points of more attractions of our city. You will know the Old City, with its splendorous architecture, the Market of the Port, the Downtown, the Independence Square, the Legislative Palace, the romantic neighborhood known as 'El Prado', the green parks with beautiful monuments.

We will also visit the neighborhoods Punta Gorda and Pocitos traveling through the exceptional and extense waterfront known as the 'Rambla' which accompanies the panoramic scene of our most beautiful beaches.

Full Day Punta del Este Tour
An outstanding entire day (10hrs) tour to know one of the four most important sea side resorts of the world: Punta del Este. On the way to the Peninsula, we will be visiting 'Atlantida' and 'Piriápolis' with the ascent to the hill San Antonio included, also a walk along 'Rambla de los Argentinos' (waterfront in Piriapolis) and then a complete tour in Punta del Este, with Casapueblo the world famous residence-sculpture of the Uruguayan artist Carlos Páez Vilaró (entrance fee not included); the residential areas of Beverly Hills, San Rafael, Cantegril, Golf, the curious undulating bridge of 'La Barra' of Maldonado, (an unique and fashion place during the lasts summer seasons) and finally the 'Mansa' and 'Brava' beaches. After this we will be travelling along 'Gorlero' street (main str., downtown) with time for shopping (20th. Str.) and leisure. Return to Montevideo.

Colonia del Sacramento Full Day Tour
This old Portuguese City of the 17th century has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO by its well conserved architectural structure. An outstanding entire day tour to know its original streets made from stone, its old constructions, the remains of ancient fortifications and the Portuguese and Spanish museums.

We will visit also the Downtown area, the Harbor area, the Beach of Ferrando and the Forest Reserve, its beautiful waterfront 'Avenue', and then arriving to the 'Real of San Carlos', we will know the remains of an old Spanish 'bullring', the local horse racecourse and several other attractions.

desde 103,01 €

We will take you for a lovely and amazing ride in our antique horse carriage, along the olive and almond tree plantations at Colinas de Garzón. You will visit our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Boutique Production Plant, where you will learn about the elaboration process of our products, and afterwards will have a ride back in time. Finally, you will be guided through a tasting of our extra virgin olive oils and wines, accompanied by the house cheese selection and home- made bread.

Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 175,86 €

Conoce dónde se elabora el mejor vino de Uruguay con un recorrido por los establecimientos más reconocidos.

- Disfruta de una placentera experiencia vinícola
- Recorre los viñedos de los alrededores de la capital
- Degustación de vinos acompañado de un experto

Viaja a través de los pintorescos alrededores de Montevideo y degusta algunos de los mejores vinos de la tierra. Con este tour, tendrás la oportunidad de acercarte a la zona frutícola, rodeada de caseríos y pequeñas granjas. Es precisamente en estos lugares donde se ubican los viñedos que han ensalzado el vino artesanal de Uruguay.

Recorre las plantaciones de vides acompañado de un experto y aprende los procesos de elaboración de un caldo conocido en todo el mundo mientras preparas tu paladar para una exquisita cata guiada, muy recomendada para los amantes del buen vino. Deja que se despierten tus sentidos con un sabor único y con paisajes de ensueño.

Hora de inicio o apertura
Lunes y domingos a las 10:00 y 15:00 horas.

desde 78,51 €

El edificio que simboliza los más altos ideales del pueblo uruguayo abre las puertas para darte la bienvenida. Adéntrate en el Palacio Legislativo y descubre una joya arquitectónica cargada de significado.


* Accede a la sede del Poder Legislativo
* Admira hermosas obras de arte
* Haz una parada en el famoso Salón de los Pasos Perdidos

Visita el monumental edificio donde reside la soberanía popular. Inaugurado en 1925, con motivo de la conmemoración del centenario de la Declaración de Independencia, el Palacio Legislativo acoge la cámara de senadores y diputados del país. Admira su arquitectura única de estilo neoclásico y la extraordinaria belleza de su fachada, paredes interiores, bóvedas y columnas, recubiertas de mármol.

Los personajes y acontecimientos que han marcado un hito en la historia uruguaya están presentes en las esculturas, relieves y obras de arte de este símbolo nacional, declarado Patrimonio Histórico Nacional en 1975. Admira estas figuras y accede a una de sus estancias más conocidas, el Salón de los Pasos Perdidos, escenario de importantes actos para el país. Pasado y presente se dan cita en uno de los centros de poder más destacados del hemisferio sur.

desde 31,4 €

Great tour with multiple options, a full day with home cooking, country walks and colonial helmets last century stays with all services included. Or horse wagon rides and the opportunity to witness and participate in the traditional rural activities, according to the season. Meet a beautiful natural landscape feature enjoying warmth and friendliness of the Uruguayan people and especially field.

Tour of the facilities of stay, participation in typical tasks, tour the animal reserve, free activities and guided horseback riding, horse-drawn carriage, walking, bicycles, soccer and games room.

desde 193,66 €

Founded in 1816, is proud to be a founding General Jose Gervasio Artigas, hero of the country. Possessing a crowded beauty and serenity of natural surroundings, attracts thousands of tourists who seek rest, quiet, beauty and comfort. Your berth yacht and extensive beach that has attracted fans to the water and beach sports.

Also, in your environment several of Tourism Wineries already established as an important and attractive following the older European traditions make delicious wines are located internationally.

desde 104,68 €

This Portuguese old City of the 17th century has been declared by UNESCO World Heritage Site, regarding its well conserved architectural structure. An outstanding walking tour, assisted by a guide, to visit its original streets made from stone, its old constructions, the remains of ancient fortifications and the Portuguese and Spanish museums.

desde 20,94 €

We invite you to enjoy a delicious asado at Villa Toscana. It will be a unique opportunity to experience two places in one. This adventure will take you first to know the Boutique Crafting Extra Virgin Olive Oil Plant, followed by a tour through the olive groves and then get to the village and share a delicious lunch.

desde 188,43 €

Carnival of Uruguay, Montevideo and in particular meets in their own different manifestations of the various migration streams that populated these lands expressions. Thus, European and African traditions shaped this own unique expression, true cultural heritage of Uruguay. This great popular event, with more than a century old, continues for about 40 nights, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people between January and March. Montevideo is the only capital city in America with a carnival stage. The same takes place in outdoor venues called "tablados", which are installed in different neighborhoods of the city and compete in the Summer Theater. There nightly act sets dozens of which are grouped into 5 different categories: "Murga", "Blacks and Lubolos Troupes", "parodies", "Comedians" and "Magazines".

desde 57,57 €