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Tickets en Bolivia

Begin touring the city center, past the Prado, Hotel Los Portales, The Mormon Temple and El Jardin Botanico. Then climb to majestuso Cristo de la Concordia, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city and go down in Funicular to address the Lower Valley. Pass by Tiquipaya, visit The Hotel Regina and Contribution to go to the oldest church in Cochabamba where the Lord is Good Voyage. Visit a property of Active Tourism and Rural, where we can appreciate a beautiful view of Cordillerano environment, tasting sweet and organic jams among others.

desde 42,92 €

We visit the historic village of San Lorenzo, home of the hero Eustaquio ¨Moto Méndez ", his home, now converted into a museum, the old church and the market where you can enjoy the famous rosquetes, typical masses and lodges.

We continue to the community of Lajas until Coimata, where you can see falls of fresh water that springs from the mountains and a crystalline natural spa. Then a short hike through the mountain, and continue towards the dam of San Jacinto, to appreciate its mirror of water of 750 Has.

desde 51,29 €

El paseo se inicia visitando la Plaza Colon, Paseo del Prado, Palacio Portales, varias Iglesias, vista cercana del Cristo, que se encuentra en la colina de San Pedro (Es el mas alto del mundo), barrios residenciales y varios lugares de interes turistico de la ciudad, como plazas, fuentes y la colina de las Heroinas de la Coronilla.

Departure from your hotel to a panoramic ride of the city of "Santa Cruz de la Sierra", giving driving tour of the residential neighborhoods, see the very exclusive "Las Palmas", Also the area of bars and caffe "Monseñor Rivero" and the comercial area of "Equipetrol".

Then we will go to regional history museum located in the city center and a tour in a shopping mall in the city, ending at your hotel. Santa Cruz de la Sierra is the largest city and economic engine of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. You cannot lose this way to see the city in a few hours.

desde 22,41 €

Departure from your hotel to a walk through the vineyards considered among the highest in the world, from 1,800 to 2,200 meters, where a landscape bathed in life is confused amid the silhouette of the mountains. Weather conditions are special, soil type and strength of the sun, in contrast to the cool nights give unique flavors to the grapes that become wine aroma and flavor of fresh fruit . During visits you can taste fine wine varietals , singani ( genuinely Bolivian liquor) accompanied by delicious chopped.

desde 51,29 €

The city of Sucre, located on the edge of the Andes, near Potosi, was founded in 1538 as the city of La Plata and soon became the capital of the Pool Hearing. In 1992 UNESCO declared the city a Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The long isolation of the city helped its preservation and pleasant character: The buildings of the city center are painted in its original white colonial.

Sucre is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Bolivia and South America. Visiting charming streets town one cringes by aura beauty expressed neoclassical facades magnificent colonial and its welcoming people churches. Sucre also known as the "White City". Its historical center maintains the colonial architecture of past centuries.

We start our trip at 7 km from the city is the Castle of the Princes of the Glorieta, Walking his Large gardens, then we will go to the mysterious Cemetery and finally arrive to Bolivar Park where we will take a nice walk by the surroundings.

desde 38,73 €

Explora dos recordatorios espirituales de la colonización de Bolivia con este tour de las misiones jesuíticas restauradas del departamento de Santa Cruz. El tour comienza recogiéndote en el hotel, desde donde emprenderemos rumbo a la localidad de Concepción, donde podrás visitar el museo y la iglesia de Concepción, caracterizada por su campanario, que se encuentra separado de la estructura principal. Te acompañará un guía local y pasaremos la noche en la ciudad. Concepción fue fundada por los jesuítas y fue una misión para la cristianización del pueblo guaraní. En el siglo XVIII estaba habitada por 2000 personas que pertenecían a tribus como los Punasicas, Boococas, Tubasicas, Puyzocas, Paicones, Quitemos, Quimonecas, Napecas, Tapacuracas y Paunacas.

Al día siguiente el tour continuará rumbo a la localidad de San Javier, donde visitaremos la iglesia de San Javier y el museo, para a continuación regresar a la ciudad de Santa Cruz. Este lugar formaba parte de las misiones jesuíticas y ha sido declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

En el camino de vuelta podrás admirar las vistas de los campos de soja característicos de los pueblos de Santa Cruz. Si tienes suerte es posible que veamos algunos de los pequeños pueblos de los menonitas, gentes que emigraron a estas tierras y se asentaron aquí. Los más de 700.000 menonitas que viven en Bolivia emigraron desde Rusia y hablan la lengua plautdietsch, un dialecto arcaico del alemán. Son una de las comunidades de menonitas más conservadoras de Sudamérica.

Plaza Murillo, Socabaya, La Paz

Be pleasantly surprised by Bolivia’s delicious food scene. Try a wide range of food from markets, local restaurants and even fresh produce from nearby Lake Titicaca. Learn all about the humble produce Bolivians turn into greatness in their traditional dishes. Visit a Bolivian Chocolate Factory and discover and kinds of chocolate flavours. Take in a panoramic view of La Paz as the sun goes down. Neighbouring Peru might be the popular kid when it comes to South American cuisine, but this La Paz food tour is out to put Bolivia in the spotlight. Taste fresh organic fruits, fish dishes right from Lake Titicaca, tasty snacks you’ve never heard of, and even make a stop at a Bolivian Chocolate Factory. Ready, set, EAT!

Be sure to come to this tour with an appetite – you’ll need it! We’ll begin our La Paz food tour at Plaza Murillo, where you’ll meet your guide and head off to a local restaurant to dive right into some Bolivian cuisine. Here we’ll try some traditional potato soup, a very common dish that has been warming the Bolivian people for years. We’ll have a chat about the food and flavours of Bolivia, giving you an introduction to this often overlooked cuisine. From here, we’ll continue on food to Camacho Market for a sweet bite – some fresh fruit salad. Here you can select from all kinds of colourful, organic fruits to create your own combination of sweet and tangy treats. But don’t fill up too much! We’ll be heading to a Bolivian chocolate factory on our next stop, where we’ll sample all kinds of different types of chocolate from Bolivia, and learn about its production. As we continue to tour La Paz, we’ll jump on some public transport and head towards a restaurant that serves fresh fish from nearby Lake Titicaca, as well as famous potato stew. To put it simply, you can’t get more Bolivian than that! Next, we’ll walk off some of those calories by making our way back to downtown, passing through a few marketplaces along the way. For those of you who aren’t already stuffed, there will be plenty of opportunity to nibble on some local snacks and drinks such as api, a pork dish called chicarron, and puffed cereal like pasankalla.

desde 47,73 €

Descubre Samaipata y relájate contemplando el paisaje montañoso mientras escuchas la lengua quechua y sientes el agradable aire fresco típico de este clima. Antes de llegar a Samaipata nos detendremos a visitar Cuevas, donde podrás dar agradables paseos por los arroyos y admirar las cascadas de agua cristalina. No podrás resistir la tentación de nadar en las piscinas naturales. A continuación continuaremos nuestro camino hacia el Fuerte de Samaipata, a 6 kilómetros de la localidad, en la ladera oriental de los Andes bolivianos. Este es el yacimiento arqueológico más importante en la parte oriental de Bolivia y ha sido declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

A pesar de su nombre se trata en realidad de un centro religioso construido por los chanés. Se encuentra junto a las ruinas de una ciudad construida por los incas durante su expansión hacia el sureste. En su momento los valles fueron invadidos por guerreros guaraníes, que destruyeron Samaipata y dominaron la región hasta la llegada de los españoles. En el templo también podemos encontrar ejemplos de arquitectura mozárabe, dejada como legado por los españoles. Esta confluencia de culturas hace que este yacimiento arqueológico sea único.

Por la tarde podrás disfrutar de un tour panorámico de la ciudad, de camino a los hoteles de Santa Cruz.


desde 122,26 €

Begin touring the city center, past the Prado, Hotel Los Portales, The Mormon Temple and El Jardin Botanico. Then climb the majestic Cristo de la Concordia, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city and go down in funicular to address the Lower Valley. Pass by Tiquipaya, visit The Hotel Regina and Aporte to go to the oldest church in Cochabamba where the Lord is Good Voyage. Visit a property of Active and Rural Tourism, where we can appreciate a beautiful view of Cordillerano environment, tasting sweet and organic jams among others. Lunch at a typical restaurant and our last visit will be the cultural center of Simon I Patiño.

desde 100,49 €