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Tickets en Sudáfrica

Aprende más sobre la bonita ciudad de Pretoria, en Sudáfrica, con este tour de jornada completa que te mostrará todos los lugares destacados de la zona. Pretoria es conocida de forma informal como la ''Ciudad Jacaranda'', debido a sus calles flanqueadas por el color púrpura de los árboles de jacaranda cuando están en flor, un espectáculo que merece la pena no perderse.

Pasa el día admirando lo que la ciudad tiene que ofrecer. La primera parada es el Monumento al Voortrekker, que te sorprenderá con su humilde belleza. Este monumento único resalta la historia de los afrikáneres y es una de las principales atracciones de la ciudad para muchos. A continuación, visitarás la Paul Kruger House. Este edificio, que en su día fue la residencia del líder de una pequeña república, seguramente inspirará a los amantes de la historia, haciendo posible descubrir las luchas de la comunidad con el gobierno colonial.

Seguidamente nos dirigiremos al increíble espacio que es Church Square, donde podrás admirar la arquitectura colonial y entretenerte mirando la gente pasar. Contempla el Palacio de Justicia, donde el expresidente Nelson Mandela y varios de sus camaradas fueron juzgados y acusados de traición durante el infame juicio Rivonia, antes de fotografiar los Edificios de la Unión, que destacan por su arquitectura y espléndidos jardines.

Pretoria es una ciudad llena de encanto e historia y este tour te permitirá visitar algunos de los edificios más bonitos de la ciudad, dejándote recuerdos imborrables de un día lleno de diversión.


Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 61,2 €

This magical trip down memory lane will tell you all about how Johannesburg came into being, how gold was discovered on the reef and how the lives of men and women formed an integral part of a rich and fascinating heritage.

Visit Gold Reef City, named after the richness upon which the city of Johannesburg was built, and embark on historical tour, the ‘Jozi Story of Gold’. This tour includes an opportunity to pan for gold and watch a gold pour. Stroll through the theme park reflecting the life of the mining town at the turn of the last century. There is plenty to do for young and old but remember to wear comfortable walking shoes.

Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 73,86 €

You will be collected from your hotel and transferred to the Game Reserve which is a 2.5 hr drive via vineyards, orchards and magnificent scenery. Upon arrival at the reserve you are welcomed with a chilled drink before being ushered through to the restaurant for a buffet breakfast. Around 10h15 you depart on a 2 – 3 hour open vehicle game drive through the reserve. Having been proclaimed a Nature Reserve in 1985, the ‘veld’ (terrain) is in pristine condition, consisting of Renoster veld, Mountain Fynbos and succulent vegetation types found in 3 beautiful valleys.

Situated in the Karoo with its wide open spaces, the 4,500 hectare reserve has a natural wetland and protected by majestic mountains and valleys, which makes for varied and ideal game viewing. On your drive you may see lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino, as well as giraffe and hippo. Large herds of game are found on the Reserve such as Black Wildebeest, Burchell's Zebra, Springbok, Gemsbok, Steenbok, Blesbok, Bat Eared Fox, Ostriches, Klip Springer, Duiker, Greybuck, Baboon, Black Backed Jackal, Eland, Red Hartebeest.

The natural wetland is home to 172 species of birds and is also home to several breeding pairs of the rare and endangered black eagle, after which the reserve has been named. Following the game drive, you will have the opportunity to visit the ARC rehabilitation centre.

Here you will learn a bit more about the rescue and rehabilitation efforts the reserve plays in the area. After a well-deserved buffet lunch at the lodge’s main restaurant, you enjoy some time at leisure before starting your journey back to Cape Town. En route, you will stop at the Karoo Ostrich Farm for an informative and entertaining tour. Return to your hotel around 18h00.

desde 219,25 €

Mantén tus ojos bien abiertos en la reserva privada de caza de Aquila mientras te embarcas en un interesante safari en busca de los «cinco grandes de África»: el león, el rinoceronte negro, el elefante africano, el leopardo y el búfalo africano.

- Ve en busca de búfalos, elefantes, leopardos, leones y rinocerontes negros
- Disfruta de las asombrosas vistas panorámicas
- Saborea un delicioso almuerzo tipo bufé

Ninguna visita a la Ciudad del Cabo está completa sin un paseo y un safari de la vida salvaje de África. Además, a un tiro de piedra de la ciudad encontrarás los espectaculares paisajes de Gran Karoo, la región natural semidesértica de Sudáfrica.

Despiértate pronto por la mañana – te aseguramos que merece la pena hacerlo – y pon rumbo a la reserva de caza Aquila Private Game Reserve a través del bonito valle del río Hex. Admira las asombrosas montañas y los paisajes que encontrarás por el camino. Al llegar, te daremos la bienvenida con bebidas refrescantes antes de empezar la gran aventura: tu excursión de caza mayor.

Tanto si eres un ávido observador como un apasionado del avistamiento de aves, el hábitat biodiverso del cabo Karoo te cautivará. Esta pintoresca reserva natural es hogar del búfalo y el elefante africano, el leopardo, el león, el rinoceronte negro, la girada, el antílope blesbok, el ñu negro y azul, la cebra, el leopardo y una asombrosa variedad de 172 especies de aves, incluida el águila negra.

Un guarda de caza te llevará en un emocionante recorrido de alrededor de tres horas de duración en un vehículo abierto y compartirá contigo su conocimiento del monte y de la vida silvestre. Contempla el impresionante paisaje que constituye el telón de fondo de la reserva mientras vas en busca de la vida silvestre que alberga.

Además, una vez hayas terminado el safari, podrás disfrutar de un delicioso almuerzo tipo bufé en una cabaña. Con el estómago lleno y la sed saciada, aprovecha y usa las instalaciones de la cabaña, como su piscina de agua salada y el bar o, si lo prefieres, da una vuelta por la tienda de souvenirs. Ya que estás aquí, puedes optar por visitar el centro Sistemas Synergy Eco, un espacio creativo donde podrás ver, en primera persona, el cultivo inteligente de hortalizas.


Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 159,26 €

Depart Johannesburg and proceed to Pretoria. The City of Tshwane is home to the Union Buildings – residence of the Presidency and his government and home to Parliament during the winter months. Pretoria is also a place of culture with a series of theatres, museums and monuments. Stop at the Voortrekker Monument, visit the Paul Kruger House Museum and drive around Church Square which was the scene of arguably the most famous political trial in South Africa's history, the Rivonia Treason Trial.

Drive past the Union Buildings and possibly stop for a photo opportunity. Depart Pretoria and proceed to Lesedi Cultural Village. Enjoy a visit to the Lesedi Cultural Village and experience the ethnic heart of Southern Africa at this unique venue. Take a tour around the many cultural diversities of our rainbow nation in a natural environment, enjoying their delicious cuisine and tribal dancing, and meet the Chief in his Royal Kraal. Time permitting, stop at National Botanical Gardens.

The tour kicks off on 2nd Avenue we visit King's Cinema, an out-of-service movie theatre dating back to 1968, but was rebuilt after it was bombed by apartheid forces in 1984.

Gallery Homes are next on the agenda. At the Gallery home on 4th Avenue we view Alexandra Township through the eyes of local artists. View paintings that depict the development of Alexandra and even other themes that provoke the mind. Just off 7th Avenue we visit Tumi, another artist at his Gallery Home and studio where there is a collection of works on canvases depicting everything from dreams and visions, world icons, and abstract imagery.

End the tour with a pass by Nelson Mandela’s first residence in Alexandra Township when he first came to Johannesburg.

This tour offers a wealth of insight into South African history. It includes a brief educational introduction to Cape Town, one of the world’s most varied and popular cities.

The day commences with a look at the picturesque “Bo-Kaap” – an historic area that became home to many Muslims and freed slaves after the abolition of slavery and is a living cultural museum and home to the oldest mosque in the Southern Hemisphere. We discover the unique culture, lifestyle and personality of the Cape Muslim community and their contribution to South Africa’s development.

Here we shall walk through the area and stop at the Bo-Kaap Museum which was established in 1978 as a satellite of the SA Cultural History Museum. It was furnished as a house that depicts the lifestyle of a nineteenth-century Muslim family and the local Islamic culture and heritage.

From here we head east into the central business district of the city precinct and stop at the Slave Lodge. Under the umbrella theme, ‘From human wrongs to human rights, exhibitions on the lower level of this museum explore the long history of slavery in South Africa. Through the changing, temporary exhibitions the museum address issues around and raise awareness of human rights.

During the latter part of the morning we examine the area of Zonnebloem, which was District Six and visit the living museum. The District Six Museum, established in December 1994, works with the memories of the District Six experience and with that of forced removals more generally. With the struggle for the land now taking a different form (of the more banal yet intricate logistics, legalities and bureaucratic mechanisms of RETURN which are no longer pitted against apartheid) the museum is now bound to support the process of 'reinventing' District Six for the present.

Around 12h30 your tour will arrive at the Nelson Mandela Gateway & Museum, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. Check in for your ferry trip across the bay to Robben Island for a guided tour of the island as well as a tour of the prison by an ex in-mate.

desde 69,67 €

Embark on a historical and cultural orientation tour of Port Elizabeth. Visit the Red Location Museum, a museum in New Brighton Township that portrays ‘both the horrors of institutionalised racism and the heroic efforts of the anti-apartheid movement’. Also stop at the Donkin Reserve, proclaimed by city founder Sir Rufane Donkin, where birds, benches, walking paths, an opera house, a lighthouse and a memorial may be seen.

Port Elizabeth is also home to Route 67 – a collection of 67 art pieces celebrating the years Nelson Mandela devoted to public life. It is a mix of visual arts, urban design and heritage, showcasing old Victorian churches; terraced cottages on Donkin Street – where massive silver pipes catch the famous winds of Port Elizabeth and make music; a lighthouse that once guided ships into Algoa Bay; and a large pyramid built by Donkin in memory of his wife.

Return to your hotel in the late afternoon.

Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 65,48 €

Lower Buitengracht,1

Nos desviamos de lavuelta por las Tres Bahías a través de Kommetjie, Scarborough, reserva de naturaleza de Cape Point, los riscos de Cape Point y ciudad de Simón. Podría tener suerte y ver a las ballenas moteadas.

Entre 45 y 60 minutos


Esta actividad es para un mínimo de 2 personas

desde 345,02 €

Visite el Featherbed, la Reserva Natural y descubra este hermoso paraíso en Western Head of Knysna, accesibles sólo por ferry. Disfrute de una experiencia espectacular en un viaje en ferry, con visita guiada, que termina con una comida- buffet en el Food Forest Restaurant.