more information soon ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Enjoy a true taste of traditional Dalmatian food in a local country restaurant near Dubrovnik.
We will pick you up at your accommodation and take you to the hill Srd. From there you will have breathtaking view of Old Town Dubrovnik and its surrounding islands.
After amazing view we will take you to a local country restaurant just outside the city, where you will have opportunity to taste homemade food prepared in the traditional way.
Warm country atmosphere will be complemented with folklore presentation.
Join as in discovering traditional flavours of this area while making some unforgettable memories.
- Welcome drink (homemade brandy)
- Cold platter with Dalmatian prosciutto and cheese
- Veal with potatoes baked under the iron bell and mixed seasonal salad
- Homemade apple pie
A private tour full of history and culture! Sarajevo, the city that lives its history! Come explore with us and be fascinated at what you discover!
* Witness postwar Sarajevo and learn its heroic past!
* Be amazed at the breathtaking views!
* Admire the beautifully multicultural and metropolitan city!
* Sarajevo is the most influential city in the whole of Bosnia & Herzegovina!
Sarajevo is the image of history, culture and tradition. Step into another world and explore this surreal yet fascinating town. Be amazed at the unbelievable stories and facts that our enthusiastic tour guide will tell you! This city has been undergoing post-war restoration and you will be able to first hand witness the buildings with bullet marks and tale-tell signs of the city that is the longest time under siege in the history of modern warfare (nearly four years!)
Sarajevo is often referred to as the “Jerusalem of Europe” due to its multiculturalism and diverse religious communities. Such a beautifully co-existing city and until the 20th Century it was the only city in Europe to have a Synagogue, Mosque and Catholic and Orthodox churches all within the same area. This is truly a wonderful experience and an unforgettable one at that!
Descubre la belleza de Dubrovnik y disfruta una vista aérea de la ciudad antigua brillando a la luz del sol. Únete a este tour de medio día para ver la intensidad y opulencia artística y cultural de la ciudad. Un recorrido que sin duda se convertirá en una de las experiencias vacacionales favoritas de tu vida.
Esta hermosa ciudad es llamada, y con razón, la ''perla del Mediterráneo'' y desde su ubicación privilegiada frente a las aguas turquesas del Adriático, es difícil imaginar un lugar más agradable para dar un paseo. Ven y únete a nuestro guía profesional mientras caminamos por las calles empedradas del casco antiguo y encontramos los tesoros del Dubrovnik pasado y presente.
A partir del siglo XIII Dubrovnik se convirtió en un puerto muy importante al servicio del comercio marítimo mediterráneo. Las imponentes murallas y fortificaciones ayudaron a protegerlo y ahora, en gran medida, le otorgan su carácter. En ellas encontrarás una increíble variedad de estilos gótico, renacentista y barroco, con sus sorprendentes techos rojos que cautivan a los amantes de la historia.
Al entrar en la ciudad amurallada se siente que se ha retrocedido en el tiempo a la época medieval. Pon tus manos sobre sus paredes antiguas y casi podrás sentir la presencia de las personas que han vivido allí. Esta excursión de medio día te dejará fascinado con tesoros arquitectónicos como la Puerta de Pile, las iglesias de San Blas y San Francisco, y la inamovible catedral. Y por supuesto, también tendrás la oportunidad de obtener una vista panorámica de la ciudad con el mar brillando en la lejanía.
Enjoy an afternoon discovering the lush peninsula of Pelješac, famous for its wine growing and fresh seafood. We depart from Dubrovnik towards Mali Ston, a charming seaside village linked to Ston, located in the foothills, by defensive walls. We head to Konoba Bay to taste three types of wines and enjoy a glass of wine where you can also make the most of some free time. We continue on to Ponikve and arrive at the Vukas winery where we taste three more varieties of wines. Depart to the idyllic Mediterranean setting of Potomje, where we taste two types of wine, and then through the Dingac tunnel where we stop for a photo before heading back to Dubrovnik for 7pm.
Descubre dos ciudades de la bahía de bahía de Kvarner ricas en historia y cultura con un tour a Rijeka y Opatija.
* Contempla Rijeka desde el gran Castillo de Trsat
* Pasea por Opatija como una vez hicieron los reyes europeos
* Admira la elegante atmósfera en la perla del Adriático
En el corazón de la Europa multicultural, Rijeka yace con una historia vibrante que puede observarse a través de sus edificios de estilo austro-húngaro en el centro de la ciudad. Observa la ciudad en todo su esplendor desde el Castillo de Trsat, que se remonta a tiempos prehistóricos y de la tribu de Illyrian de Iapydes, seguido por los romanos, que construyeron su fortaleza, y otros muchos soberanos que dejaron su huella única en esta magnífica fortaleza. Pasea por las coloridas calles, los mercados y Korzo, el corazón de la ciudad, lleno de cafés y tiendas.
Continúa en la elegante ciudad de Opatija, donde casas y parques con historia salpican la ciudad. Aprende sobre los emperadores europeos y reyes que en el pasado caminaron por las calles y convirtieron Opatija en la perla del Adriático con sus fragantes jardines botánicos, parques y villas de colores – cada uno con una historia que contar. Un crisol de la aristocracia europea y estilo, el ambiente en Opatija ablandará tu corazón mientras disfrutas de un café en una de sus muchas terrazas.
This tour is like a treasure trove of historical masterpieces. You’ll have the day to check out the Renaissance architecture, ancient palaces and historic churches that give Dubrovnik its nickname – the ‘Pearl of the Adriatic'. Once the capital of the wealthy Republic of Ragusa, the walled city is packed with historic sites, including the chunky walls and battlements surrounding it. A walking tour of the Old Town will lead you to Baroque churches, Venetian houses and the Franciscan Monastery, which houses one of Europe’s oldest pharmacies. After the tour, spend some time meandering through the streets. When you’ve worked up an appetite, you can dip into the modern eateries and bars, which are nestled amongst the ornate buildings. You’ll have the choice of peaceful squares or bustling marinas for your backdrop. Wherever you choose, you’ll do well ordering seafood – black risotto, fried squid or octopus salad are all staples here.
Descubre la idílica isla de Korcula y la pintoresca península de Peljesac durante este viaje de un día a lo largo de la costa dálmata. Korcula es una isla muy especial en el Adriático croata, llena de folclore y leyendas. La isla es supuestamente el lugar de nacimiento del famoso explorador Marco Polo, y se muestra orgullosa de su tradición naval, así como de su arte y música tradicionales.
Disfruta recorriendo las calles estrechas para encontrar hermosas iglesias y palacios en uno de los lugares más bellos del Mediterráneo. Descubre los monumentos históricos de la isla, que cuentan leyendas e historias sobre el pasado y el carácter único de la gente del lugar. Famosos canteros, astilleros y marineros del pueblo de Korcula han dejado su huella en todo el mundo, pero lo mejor de su talento y artesanía se quedó en su propia tierra. La cultura de la isla también tiene fuertes raíces en el ámbito de la expresión artística, sus tradicionales danzas de espadas y cantos a capella todavía se practican hoy en día.
Tras tu visita a Korcula, puedes probar uno de los restaurantes de la zona o simplemente relajarte con un baño. En el camino de vuelta a Dubrovnik podrás visitar la famosa bodega de vinos de Peljesac y degustar algunos de los vinos locales característicos de esta región. Conocido por sus viñedos, olivos y frutales, y claro, por su pesca, la región ofrece mucho para que pruebes y saborees durante tu día de turismo .
The history of the Stud farm and lipizzan horses is closely intertwined with the Habsburgs who ruled as many as 650 years over an extensive part of baroque Europe. Horses, the Spanish horse was considered an ideal breed, were at the time a crucial strategic advantage and were thus of outstanding importance to the Habsburgs.
The soil and climate of the Karst are very similar to that of Spain which is why the Archduke Charles chose to build the royal stud farm in 1578 in the Karst in the abandoned summer residence of the Bishop of Trieste in this area.
On 19 May 1580 he signed an agreement to restore the estate. Lipica is the oldest European stud farm continuously breeding one of the oldest cultural horse breeds. As such it has a remarkable significance as a cultural, historical and natural heritage for Slovenia and Europe.Trieste is the most international city in the region, suspended between a glorious past of ""Little Vienna on the Sea"" and the present cosmopolitan city. From the Audace pier to the old Lanterna, there is a succession of sails, antique shop window displays, shops and beautiful buildings: in the distance, one can glimpse the white profile of Miramare, the romantic castle of Maximilian and Charlotte of Hapsburg. A journey of discovery of the city's history, literature and art, from the Roman era to medieval wonders, to the Habsburg splendour. The wealth of architectural styles in the palaces in Trieste is remarkable:Neoclassical, Art Nouveau, Eclectic and Baroque, coexisting in a harmonious blend with Roman remains, eighteenth century buildings and Hapsburg style buildings. Taking a coffee break in one of the historical cafes of Trieste is a real ritual that is absolutely not to be missed and whose appeal has spread even through word of mouth.
The Museum of Torture – TORTUREUM offers an insight into its unique collection of various instruments of torture and execution that have been employed since the ancient times to the present day. The Museum vividly depicts the notion of violence throughout history, with over 70 full-scale instruments of torture, which even the thought of chilled people to the bone.
The visitors will be able to see, touch and try exhibits that were used to humiliate, torture, injure or execute the victim, such as the full-scale replica of the 1792 guillotine with the 1889 Berger mechanism or the iron maiden, which is considered as the most brutal medieval instrument of torture.
The specially designed free multimedia guides with original audio and video content allow visitors to learn more about the history of each exhibited instrument of torture. The Museum is also unique for its Dungeon – a miniature cool room in which the visitor can spend a minute of his life in pitch blackness, anticipating the uncertain future…