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Tickets en Cajamarca

Una movilidad lo trasladará de su hotel hacia las ''Ventanillas de Otuzco'', cementerio que data de los primeros siglos después de cristo con nichos rectangulares tallados en un bloque sólido de roca traquita. Las criptas, superpuestas unas sobre otras, son en su mayoría nichos simples en forma de pasadizos con nichos laterales que pueden llegar a tener entre 8 y 10 metros de profundidad. Al finalizar su recorrido será trasladado de vuelta a su hotel.

Castellano e inglés

desde 17,8 €

Visit of the Inca Baths, located 6 km from the city of Cajamarca. Originally called Pultamarca, it is here, supposedly, that Atahualpa was resting just before the confrontation with Pizarro. Here you find hot springs of mineral water with a maximum temperature of 72ºC (158ºF). It is believed that they possess therapeutic properties for the treatment of bone and nervous system disorders. Discover the natural healing power of these hot springs through sessions of hydrotherapy and massage to help reduce muscle fatigue caused by physical exertion.

desde 17,8 €

Tour of the main attractions in the city of Cajamarca. Visit the Hill of Santa Apolonia, natural vantage point in the center of the city from where you can appreciate the whole city and the valley of Cajamarca. Here you also find the so-called Silla del Inca, which was a pre-Inca ceremonial altar.

Then proceed to the Monumental Complex of Belen, with the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Piedad. Then continue to the "Cuarto del Rescate", where the Inca Atahualpa, last king of the Incas, was held prisoner. Then visit the exteriors of the temple of San Francisco, built in 1562 and inhabited by the first Franciscans. Also visit the Plaza de Armas, and the exterior of the Cathedral, built in the seventeenth century, with a facade that is a refined sample of Baroque art, standing out its main altar made completely of gold leafs. After the visit, transfer back to the hotel.

desde 16,75 €

Drive to Porcon Farm, located 30 km from the city of Cajamarca. On the way stop at the village of Huambocancha Alta, 8.5 km from the city of Cajamarca, where, on both sides of the road, inhabitants-artisans give life to the stone. Here, entire families are dedicated to the art of sculpting forms under the sky, among the dust released by their mini grinders and chisels with which they do their work. Admire their handicrafts in stone, before heading to the Porcón Farm, a rural and religious community that counts with pine forests, livestock, fish, mini-zoo and beekeeping.

Also, this farm offers a program of agro-tourism in the mountains north of Cajamarca, including crops and livestock. Among the activities this farm offers visitors we have the planting and harvesting of potatoes and other root crops and vegetables, seed selection and soil preparation, hand milking of cows and sire selection, program management and rehabilitation of pine trees, which is being done by a successful project.

You will have the opportunity to stroll in the countryside or just relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the beautiful landscapes that surround the community. After the visit, transfer back to Cajamarca.

desde 25,12 €

Una movilidad lo recogerá de su hotel y lo trasladará al complejo arqueológico de Cumbemayo, conjunto de tres grupos arqueológicos conocidos como ''el acueducto'', ''el santuario'' y ''las cuevas'', rodeados de un monumental bosque de piedras. El acueducto, canal abierto en roca volcánica de nueve kilómetros de largo, tuvo la finalidad de derivar las aguas de los cerros cercanos hacia la ciudad de Cajamarca. El santuario es un farallón con la apariencia de una enorme cabeza humana con una grieta con grabados en bajo relieve donde va la boca. Por último, las paredes de las cuevas tienen grabadas un conjunto recargado de líneas y algunas figuras antropomorfas y felinas. Al finalizar su recorrido será trasladado de vuelta a su hotel.

Punto de encuentro: Recepción del hotel.
Duración: 2 horas.
Hora de inicio o apertura: 9:00 horas de lunes a domingo.
Idiomas: Castellano e inglés.

desde 26,17 €