Deja tras de ti las preocupaciones del día a día y únete a nosotros en este viaje de relax a las paradisíacas playas de Celestún. En esta excursión podrás escapar del ajetreo de las grandes ciudades y disfrutar de un merecido descanso de la típica rutina vacacional, de las visitas culturales y las excursiones, que pueden convertir las vacaciones más hermosas en una experiencia estresante. Este tour está especialmente diseñado para tu relajación y entretenimiento. Y como el propio nombre de la playa indica, la experiencia será auténticamente celestial.
En las playas de Celestún encontrarás una amplia gama de actividades para pasar tu tiempo libre. Y si no te apetece participar en las diversas actividades que se ofrecen, siempre tienes la opción de simplemente pasar el día tumbado bajo el sol, sobre la fina arena blanca. También puedes optar por darte un baño en las cristalinas aguas del mar.
Los singulares humedales de Celestún forman parte de una Reserva Especial de la Biosfera declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Aquí podrás subir a bordo de un barco y disfrutar de un recorrido por los pantanos, donde tendrás la oportunidad de ver los magníficos flamencos rosados en su hábitat natural. Tu día en Celestún también incluye un delicioso almuerzo que añadirá otro grado de satisfacción a este día de placer para los sentidos.
Know more about one of the most popular and representative festivities of Mexico: Day of the Dead. The origin of this festivity comes from a cultural mix of indigenous and Span- ish, from which emerge rites and ceremonies to remember and commemorate those who have died.
On this tour you will know more about how the city of Merida celebrates this date.
We begin with a city tour through Merida, where you will have free time (two hours) to eat and take a walking tour. we will visit the traditional offerings in Merida Dowtown to learn more about the Day of the Dead ritual, as well as the objects and symbols that are part of this popular cult.
Later, you will visit the municipal cemetery of Merida, which has almost 200 years of history and has granite or stone buildings with neoclassical, Greek, Gothic and others styles. Merida Cemetery was established following a decree of King Charles III, be- cause until the eighteenth century the people of this community resorted to the churches to bury their dead. It was in 1821 when the cementery was opened. Today the place has many sculptures of angels and materials brought from Europe.
We will be back to the meeting point at 2:30 a.m. Live this experience full of ancient Mexican tradition.
Day 1: Chichen Itza
Arriving at Chichen Itza, a specialized guide will give you a detailed tour of the site, enjoying the tranquility of your morning visit before the crowds.
Discover how this large pre-Columbian city played an important role in the Mayan civili-zation around 600 AD to 1200, and remained a center of worship and pilgrimage until the arrival of the Spaniards.
Day 2: Uxmal & Kabah
Get to know where the temples that are characterized by Mayan style, where this civilization left marked in the area: the archaeological site of Uxmal.
Visit the Temple of the Magician, which according to the mythology of this place was built by a dwarf king, also meet the Nunnery, which highlights the Puuc style, this style is characterized by smooth walls and decorated frieze. Visit the Governor’s Palace, with a façade of more than 20,000 tiles considered the most beautiful in the Maya area. After visiting Uxmal we will drive to Cananah’s restaurant where a 3 times meal is served. Later on, we will go the archaeological siteof Kabah.
You will start this great experience avoing crowds with this preferential access tour to one of the 7 wonders of the world. Your tour will be guided by an Archeologist who will explain you in deep the site and the Mayan Culture, you will be back at your hotel between for lunch time to enjoy the beach and with a great knowledge of this culture.
Discover how this large pre-Columbian city played an important role in the Mayan civilization around 600 AD to 1200, and remained a center of worship and pilgrimage until the arrival of the Spaniards. Likemany of the cities of ancient Mexico, the site was abandoned , and its ruins were hidden by jungle.
At the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to stroll through the village, interact with the locals and learn about the amazing traditions of Merida by an expert guide who will join you.
You will have free time to explore the landscapes that Celestun offers, besides being able to dive on the beach and if you like, to eat something deli-cious (on your own.)
You will continue the trip aboard a boat and during the tour you can enjoy a spectacular sunset, where the most exotic birds in the Special Biosphere Reserve of Celestun will join you, such as: cardinals, orioles, motmots, woodpeckers, hummingbirds,orioles,herons,storks & crocodriles.
To finish the day, we’ll take you to a restaurant so you can enjoy a delicious dinner and enjoy an exquisite menu.
Spend a day coexisting with nature in the biosphere reserve of Celestun. During this tour you will have the opportunity to stroll through the village, interact with the locals and learn about the amazing traditions of Merida by an expert guide who will join you.
You will have free time to explore the landscapes that Celestun offers, besides being able to dive on the beach and if you like, to eat something delicious (on your own).
You will continue the trip aboard a boat and during the tour you can enjoy a spectacular sunset, where the most exotic birds in the Special Biosphere Reserve of Celestun will join you, such as: cardinals, orioles, motmots, woodpeckers , hummingbirds, orioles, herons, storks & crocodiles.
The view of this paradise is exceptional, is part of the heritage of the special reserve, which also has been officially declared fauna shelter since 1979. To finish the day, we’ll take you to a restaurant so you can enjoy a delicious meal and enjoy an exquisite menu.
Your Mérida tour takes you out of the city centre (via local public transit) and to a nearby Mayan village, where sustainable tourism feeds back into the local economy. You’ll meet with locals and see some of the region’s most precious natural treasures.
First up, hop on a 4-person motorbike and take off into the jungle, toward the first of 3 different cenotes (underground caves) only accessible on two wheels. You’ll learn about the geology of these gorgeous subterranean worlds, and hear the stories and mysteries that surround them as you descend narrow staircases and through hollow passageways deep underground. You’ll escape the heat and swim and snorkel in the fresh waters of these eerie caverns, where a world of mystery awaits just beneath the surface.
Next, your Mérida tour will lead you through a nearby village to give you a taste of local life — and a few ancient practices. You’ll visit a traditional “drugstore,” where ancient Mayan medicinal remedies are prepared. All of the medicines are derived from natural plants, and prepared with knowledge that has been preserved and passed down by families living in this corner of the Yucatán. You may even hear a short prayer and blessing in the Mayan language, thanking the guardians of this sacred place for allowing us to visit.
From here, you’ll begin your journey back to Mérida — but, if you’re feeling adventurous, you’re free to stay longer on your own to explore more cenotes in the afternoon and make your own way back to Mérida.
Located 14 km from the city of Merida, Dzibichaltun means place where there is writing on the flat stones, it was an ancient and great urban centers in the north part of the Yucatan peninsula. The most outstanding building is the Temple of the Seven Dolls. It got its name from the seven clay figures with form of human bodies that were found in its interior. An arc-astronomical phenomenon that occurs in spring (March 21) and autumn (September 21) equinoxes when the doorway of the temple is illuminated with the glow of the sun rise forming a solar face. Dzibilchaltun brings together in a single site a pre-Hispanic city, an eco-archaeological Park and the Museum, where you can see numerous pieces representative of the area.
Located 2km from the coast. X’cambo (“celestial crocodile” or “place of trade” in the Mayan language) was once of great importance for the development of commerce and salt trading in pre-Hispanic times. The experts consider it one of the areas of major extension in the peninsular cost. Its architectural features are characterized by pyramids of magnificent sizes, round corners and facades decorated with huge masks. It is a place for pilgrimage.
There is a catholic chapel where the virgin of Guadalupe is worshipped; the chapel was built upon one of the principal Mayan platforms. In the surroundings you can admire the mangroves forest and palm trees that give it a tropical costal aspect of great. The corchito is one of the most important ecological reserves on the northern cost of the state of Yucatan situated in Progreso sea port. To get there it is necessary to take a boat to cross the estuary and a?er a few minutes you will observe a wide variety of plants, birds, animals and fish that live in this ecosystem. Nature lovers are able to refresh themselves in the sinkholes and fresh water springs in the middle of the mangroves forest, enjoy the company of its inhabitants; birds, raccoons and coatis.
Progreso is the main sea port located 36km forms thecity of Merida and a special destination for local and foreigner tourism. Here you can walk along the coastal avenue enjoying the breeze and the delicious regional food of the numerous restaurants. The Port of Progreso height has an excellent strategic location that provides connectivity between commercial markets in Europe, North, Central and South America, Numerous cruise ships from all around the world stop here to discover the Mayan world. For its infrastructure Progreso is an optimal place to practice various water sports such as windsurfing and kayaking.
Located 33km from Merida, Acanceh means in the Mayan language “bellow of deer” it is an archaeological site located in the center of the town of the same name just next to the catholic church. It has a surface of approximately 3 square km. In Acanceh still preserved two architectural complexes: The Pyramid (center of the town) and the Palace of the stuccos (behind the market) that suggest the existence of a relationship with other places such as; Uaxactun, Guatemala and eotihuacan from central México. One of the uncover levels of the pyramid has 8 masks adorning both sides of the stairway. The Palace of stuccos is decorated with a frieze with figures representing supernatural entities or deities, perhaps supporting the ruling linage. A special synergy in the main square is the archeological zone close to the colonial church from the 16th century where the people worship the Virgin of Guadalupe and it is one of the few existing examples of the guadalupan worship in the peninsula and México. Mayapan is known as the Flag of the Mayas. According to the indigenous and Spanish chronicles is considered one of the last Mayan cities from the postclassical period. It is located in the south of the state of Yucatan; only 40km from Merida. During its apogee there was a population of 12,000 inhabitants. Mayapan was the seat of the League of Mayapan, a confederation that brought together the headmen of Uxmal and Chichén Itzá in the time of splendor of the Maya civilization. It covers an area of 4 square km, in which almost 4,000 buildings can be found. It consists of a central area in which the main civic plaza, administrative and religious buildings and the residences of the rulers were located. The city was built similar to Chichen Itza. One of Its buildings is a small copy of The Castle from Chichen Itza. Visit to a sinkhole.
The Caves of Loltun are located 110km from the city of Mérida, they form part of the extensive cavernous system in the south of the Yucatan state and they are conditioned to be visited along of 2km. the paleontological evidence suggests that they were used as settlement in early periods (9,000 B.C.) and later as ceremonial centers. In one of its cavities known as "Huechil" (armadillo in the Mayan language) remains of extinct fauna, bones of mammoth and bison were found among other discoveries that indicated a period of cold weather and vegetation very different from the current. The caverns of Yucatan full with stalactites and stalagmites, petro glyphs and ancient artifacts discovered inside, have many mysteries, secrets and amazing legends as well.
Uxmal known as “three times constructed”, is located on the hill region called in the Maya language “Puuc” these are elevations about 250 meters above sea level this breaks the flat lowland of the Yucatan state. It was the most important city of the “Puuc” region; it had over 35,000 inhabitants during its splendor (600 – 900 A.D.). There are 15 groups of buildings covering about 2 square km; where we can see the Magician’s pyramid (35 meters height), the ball court, the Nunnery quadrangle, the great pyramid and the beautiful Palace of the Governor. Particular features mark the difference from other sites in the Mayan area, as the architectonical style and the disposition of the buildings built for the observation of astronomical phenomena, such as the movement of the planet Venus, they also built “chultunes” (artificial cisterns to store rain water) there are not sinkholes in this area).
Izamal, located 72km of the city of Merida, it is called the “City of the Three Cultures” because it has three main periods: pre Hispanic (pyramids), colonial (the convent which is an indelible mark of Spanish influence), and modern period with its friendly and gentle people proud of their culture. The Pope John Paul II visited Izamal in 1993 there was a memorable mass in the large atrium that precedes the Temple dedicated to the Immaculate Conception virgin. Three large ramps facing north, South and West, provide access to this monumental Atrium, considered the largest in Latin America (8,000 square meters surface). Walking quietly along the beautiful and picturesque streets, enjoying its gastronomy, handicra?s and its people, will be an unique experiences that will help you to understand the past and present of this Mayan village afther we continue to visit Chichén Itzá means in the Mayan language “the mouth of the well of the shamans of the water” It was the most important city between 900 AD. and 1200 AD. Declared World Heritage by (UNESCO) and one of the wonders of the world. The pyramid of Kukulkán also known as” the castle” Together with the temple of the warriors, the ball court, the astronomical observatory and the complex of the nuns reflect the ceremonial character of the city. At the equinoxes If spring (21 of March) and autumn (21 of September) an effect of light and shadow projects a snake silhouettedescending on the lustrade of the north stairway of The Castle, symbolizing the beginning of agricultural work before the raining season. after we can visit and stay for a time in the cenote ikkil
Cuzama is one of the 106 counties in the state of Yucatan, located 26km from Merida. It is famous for its open cenotes (caves with water similar to the sinkholes)and semi underground ones which are the most beautiful ones in the peninsula where you can swim and practice adventure tourism such as zip line. You reach the sinkholes by taking a Truck (small platform) pulled by a horse, penetrating into the jungle. A?er a couple of kilometers the Truck arrives at the first sinkhole called Chelentun (stone of the agave). The second is located 2km away and is called Chacsinikche’ (red ants from the trees) the last and most impressive one is Bolonch’o’jool (nine mouse holes). The unique turquoise color of the water created by the sunshine and the contact o with the nature will be an unforgettable experience
Hacienda Yaxcopoil, in this tour has a tour of the facility where we can appreciate Mayan ruins (ceramic) found in the hacienda in addition to learn the splendor of gold green ( henequen ) . afther we go to cenote Sambulá located in the municipality of Pebá, this cenote is ideal for children and adults, because its crystal, clear, shallow waters allow them to enjoy this natural beauty. After we continue to visit the Hacienda Temozon with a big history and other is an open type cenote Yaaludzil, located in the town of Maya Mucuyché at the end of this visit we go to the hacienda Ochil where we will enjoy the architecture of a hacienda and dining Yucatecan. and finally we will back to Merida.
Izamal, located 72km of the city of Merida, it is called the “City of the Three Cultures” because it has three main periods: pre Hispanic (pyramids), colonial (the convent which is an indelible mark of Spanish influence), and modern period with its friendly and gentle people proud of their culture.
The Pope John Paul II visited Izamal in 1993 there was a memorable mass in the large atrium that precedes the Temple dedicated to the Immaculate Conception virgin. Three large ramps facing north, South and West, provide access to this monumental Atrium, considered the largest in Latin America (8,000 square meters surface).
Walking quietly along the beautiful and picturesque streets, enjoying its gastronomy, handicra?s and its people, will be an unique experiences that will help you to understand the past and present of this Mayan village. In the night you can enjoy the sound and light show.
Coming out of Merida will make a one-hour and 15 minutes trip approximately to arrive the magical town. Upon arriving there you will have a city tour where you can visit the market, the main square and the convent. Then you will wait for nightfall to start the hike to enjoy the wonderful light show called videomapping, which are projections on the main facades of the houses and important corners of the historic center, this culminates in the Franciscan convent. At the end we return to the city of Merida.
This incredible bike ride will lead us 2,500 years towards past of Yucatan: After a light breakfast, we start our ride in modern Merida passing by the newest neighborhoods and commercial areas in the city, in minutes we will ?nd ourselves riding along little villages, former haciendas, and ancient Mayan paths surrounded by nature until we reach the beautiful Mayan city of Dzibilchaltun where we will have time to explore its temples and relax in the beautiful cenote “Xlakáh”.