The tour start at the touristic pier Don Eduardo Arturo Brisighelli, of our city, along the coast of Ushuaia, having a view of the most important buildings, Maritime Museum (old prison), Museum of the End of the World, industrial area , installed from 1980, etc.
From this point, the landscape is a combination of sea and mountains, and you can see Olivia, Five Brothers, the stays Fique and Tunnel, The Steep hills and mountains Boxed River. From there, the tour heads to the center of the Beagle Channel, towards the southwest, arriving to the Les Eclaireurs lighthouse, at the archipelago of the same name. In one of these islands it is possible to see parts of the ship Monte Cervantes, which was shipwrecked in 1930.
Towards the Island of Wolves, you can enjoy the view of the games of these curious and friendly marine mammals and in complete silence navigate around the island for about 20 minutes observing its permanent habitat, it is a wonderful setting. Then the catamaran will go towards the Birds Island to see the Magellanic Cormorants and the majesty of the Imperial Cormorants, albatrosses, petrels Fullman, Giant Petrels, Squas and 20 different species of seabirds. Later, sailing through Paso Chico, the return to Ushuaia, with a view of the beautiful frame that gives the Martial Mount and its glacier of the same name.
The minibus will leave from the hotel and drive towards the National Park. Once at Ensenada Bay, we will have time to enjoy the beautiful view of the Beagle Channel and later start trekking along the coast. These seven kilometers of wild trail will render possible contact with native flora and wild fauna of channel besides the opportunity of discovering old Indian middens left by the ancient dwellers of the area, the yamanas. In 3 hours we will reach Roka Lake where lunch will be ready. After a hot meal we will start canoeing along Lapataia river, which will take us to the end of the tour, Lapataia Bay on the Beagle Channel, precisely where the Panamerican Highway and National Route 3 end. Return to Ushuaia on minibus.
We will take a transfer to Terra Major and then we will have a small talk and introduction to the world of mushing, and the journey we will be taking during the day. We will also receive instruction and training. The journey is 7 km.
You will leave the hotel and then our instructor will give us a goodbye and teach us about the world of huskies. Then after the instructions we will know how to being the journey on the dogs.
We will then place the harness on the dogs and hook them to the sled and then shout for them to go and start the experience. The trip is long and fun.
As we move from the sleds into the snowy valley we will arrive finally to base where, where we will burn calories and get the chance to learn some of the techniques of reinforced igloos and experience the magic of winter silence.
After recovering the calories that they lost, the dogs will get ready again and return for the duration to take us back for our ride.
Travel from the hotel toward the Valle Tierra Mayor, where a walk in snowshoes of 30 minutes approximate will start, crossing the valley in the middle of the winter night. A path of torches will indicate the entrance to the forest until we get to the hut, where the cooker will be waiting us with brochettes and lentil stew cooked on the fire, mulled wine, wines and the specialty of the night, "the coffee Torchholder the dinner is a nuanced guitar playing. Finally, the return will be on sleds pulled by huskies…
Experience a different journey, different tour by the great Tierra Mayor Valley. Begin the journey on sleds pulled by Huskies, after crossing the valley we go through the forest by a logger road, in the middle of this ancient forest lenga Torchholder we arrive at the shelter (small log cabin heated with wood).
We say goodbye to the Huskies and our guide will help us fitting the snowshoes (without them we could not walk due to the thickness of the snow, which normally reaches one meter), the objective: Waterfall Ice Alvear and Valley Overlook, the return to shelter is faster and more fun as it is downhill and culminates in the shelter of Torchholder. Recover energy in the shelter with a hot chocolate. From the shelter of the woodcutter we will return to Tierra Mayor Valley walking with snowshoes.
Meet your guide at the touristic port of Ushuaia in downtown Ushuaia. We will then drive 90km on the legendary National Route N° 3 and then Complementary Route J to historic Harberton Farm. The farm was founded in 1886 by an Anglican missionary, Thomas Bridges and that is still held by the family.
Take a a 15 minute boat ride to Martillo Island on Beagle Channel. Martillo Island is home to an incredible colony of Gentoo and Magellanics penguins between September and April. The rookery hosts around 1000 nests, and is one of the three Magellanic penguin rookeries in Tierra del Fuego. There is also a small colony of 9 breeding couples of gentoo penguins (Pygocelis Papua), the only one in South America. Enjoy a one hour guided walk amongst the penguins in groups of 20 persons. It's truly an unique experience!
The penguins share the habitat with other birds, such as skúas, petrels, cormorants, vultures and South American terns.
Then we will sail back to Harberton Farm where you will enjoy free time to visit this traditional Estancia. Walk around the gardens, the historic buildings, visit the Marine Mammals and Sea Birds museum Acatushun and admire the views of the End of the World!
Transfer back to the touristic port.
We start from our offices in town, where guest must arrive by their own, and transfer passengers to Ushuaia's original airport where we do a mandatory safety briefing. We take off towards the eastern slope of Susana Mount, where we can see an area cleared by the former prisoners of Ushuaia. While we fly over the city, we can see the picturesque building of the former prison, the port and we also get a general view of the Martial glaciar, culminating with the charming Bay of Ushuaia.
We start from our offices in town and transfer passengers to Ushuaia's original airport where we do a mandatory safety briefing. We take off, and while we fly over the city, we move towards the eastern section of the island, soon we will be able to see the edgy summit of almost 4350 feet high from our emblematic, Olivia Mountain.
We continue through the Olivia River Valley, from which, we can see the Carbajal Valley with its imposing peatlands. Then we fly through the Tierra Mayor Valley until we reach the Emerald lagoon, which as it is formed by melted ice from a glaciar, has a wonderful emerald color, as its name implies.
We return to the city, culminating with the charming Bay of Ushuaia.
We start from our offices in town and transfer passengers to Ushuaia's original airport where we do a mandatory safety briefing. We take off, and while we fly over the city, we move towards the east, soon we will be able to see the edgy summit of almost 4350 feet high from our emblematic, Olivia mountain.
We continue through the Olivia River Valley, from which, we can see the Carbajal Valley with its imposing peatlands. Then we fly through the Tierra Mayor valley until we reach the Emerald Lagoon, which as it is formed by melted ice from a glaciar, has a wonderful emerald colour, as its name implies.
We fly higher until we land on the summit of Le Cloche Mountain. Here, at the top of the Andes Mountain Range we have a spectacular panoramic view of the city and the channel. This mountain located at the south of Olivia Mountain reaches 3.273 feet high and was baptized by Louis f. Martial expedition as ""cloche"", because of its bell shape. We spend some time sightseeing and we have the opportunity to take us a picture standing at the top of the Andes Mountain Range with Ushuaia city just behind us.
After spending some time admiring the view we fly along the Beagle channel coast, culminating over the charming bay of Ushuaia.
Ushuaia, la capital de Tierra del Fuego, está localizada en la costa del Canal de Beagle. Rodeada por Montañas Le Matial. Lo que ofrece esta combinación única de montañas, mar, glaciares y bosque en Argentina. Partiendo por la avenida Maipú, hacia el Puente peatonal Luis Pedro Fique, cruzaremos este estrecho paso que termina en el área de la vecindad de La Mission, elegida por los primeros blancos que se establecieron en Ushuaia.
Otros distritos para visitar son Brown y Solier, construido por los primeros inmigrantes a principios del siglo XX. Durante el viaje podremos observar viejas casas que pertenecen a las primeras familias fueguinas como Bebans, Pastorizas, Cangas, Fiques, Salomons, Ramos y la Legislatura Provincial, la casa del viejo Gobierno. También podremos observar el contraste del crecimiento increíble producido por la llegada de nuevos pobladores durante los años 80.
Con su gran cantidad de lagos, lagunas, cascadas, ríos, bosques, montañas y glaciares, el Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego puede presumir de contar con algunos de los paisajes naturales más espectaculares del mundo. Descúbrelos en un apasionante tour de medio día.
- Admira un imponente paisaje natural
- Disfruta de una caminata panorámica
- Únete a un paseo opcional en el Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino
La excursión sale de la capital regional, Ushuaia, y se dirige al suroeste en dirección al parque, que está a tan sólo 11 km de distancia. Al salir de la ciudad la carretera pasa por las faldas del Monte Susana, donde se puede ver el lugar donde trabajaban los prisioneros de la antigua Colonia Penal. Ese es el punto de partida del Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino y hay allí una parada para una excursión opcional.
Pasando a través de un valle impresionante, el recorrido continúa hacia la Bahía Ensenada, con sus impresionantes vistas de las islas Redonda y Estorbo y, al otro lado del Canal de Beagle, de las montañas nevadas de la Cadena Sampaio, en el lado chileno de la frontera.
Volviendo a la carretera principal, la excursión pasa por hábitats forestales indígenas con una gran riqueza de flora y fauna visibles desde la carretera, antes de llegar al Lago Roca, donde se puede pasear a lo largo del hermoso río Lapataia. Rumbo hacia el otro extremo del parque, nuestra ruta pasa por las Lagunas Verde y Negra, a través de unos espectaculares diques construidos por castores, antes de llegar por fin al final de la carretera en la Bahía Lapataia.
La excursión comienza en el viaje al nordeste de Ushuaia a lo largo de la Ruta Nacional Nº 3. Al atravesar la sierra usted descubrirá pantanos de turba, pequeños glaciares, centros de esquí, cascadas y árboles secos destruidos por castores. Desde el Rancho Hambre usted seguirá el camino de montaña hasta un punto de vista panorámico. Usted subirá hasta llegar al famoso Paso Garibaldi. Desde aquí, el punto más alto en la provincia (430 mts. sobre el nivel del mar o 1410 pies), usted tendrá visiones excepcionales de los lago Escondido y Fagnano. Disfrute de una breve parada de descanso y visite el Lago Escondido. Desde aquí usted pasará por delante de una serrería para ver el lago más grande en la provincia, Lago Fagnano. Realizará una parada de para el almuerzo en el regreso a Ushuaia.