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Tickets > Tickets en Italia > Tickets en Riviera Napolitana Sorrento & Herculaneum - From Amalfi / Maiori / Ravello

Sorrento & Herculaneum - From Amalfi / Maiori / Ravello

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  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
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You'll get a real history fix on this trip. We'll take you to Paestum, an ancient Greco-Roman city, which dates back to the 7th century. The ruins of this civilisation spread out for 120 hectares and are surrounded by defensive walls, but the focal points are three temples that circle the centre of the site. These religious houses were once dedicated to Athena, goddess of wisdom, and Hera, goddess of marriage. In fact, the ancient Greeks and Romans used to make sacrifices to these gods on the altars here. Other must-sees at the site include the painted tombs, which are the graves and headstones of Paestum's past citizens. The Tomb of the Diver is particularly special :its covering slab is painted with a picture of a lone man diving into a stream.