A journey to some of Durban’s most important historical sites, places where South Africa’s future changed for the better because of the bravery of a few individuals.
Visit the Ohlange Institute in Inanda Township – the first fully African-run and African-funded educational system. This is the historical place where President Nelson Mandela coast his vote in South Africa’s first democtratic elections in 1994. Continue to Phoenix settlement where Mahatma Ghandi developed his philosophy of passive resistance. Also visit Ghandi’s restored home. Also visit Inanda Seminary, Ebuhleni and Cato Manor."
* Inanda Township
* Ohlange Institute
* Phoenix Settlement
* Cato Manor
Meeting/pick-up point: Hotel pick-up, Umhlanga & Durban based hotels.
Duration: 8 hours.
Start/opening time: 9am.
-End/closing time: 5pm.
Languages: English.
Others: Operates on Monday and Friday.