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Tickets > Tickets en Turquía > Tickets en Estambul Pierre Loti, Cable Car Ride and Minia Turk Tour in Arabic

Pierre Loti, Cable Car Ride and Minia Turk Tour in Arabic

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  • Incluye
  • Transporte
  • Asistencia o Tour guiado
  • Entradas
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
  • Parques acuáticos y temáticos
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Medio día (mañana)


Pierre Loti Hill: Drive to this hill for a superb panoramic view over-looking the Golden Horn.

After enjoying the picturesque views, a trip down the hill by cable car toward Eyup Mosque before driving on to:

Menia Turk: An open-air exhibition place of miniature models of Turkey's historical and modern highlights with explanations in desired language of each of the models. This is followed by free time to relax in one of the available cafes before going back to the hotel.

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick up at the hotel.
Duration: 4 hours.
Start/opening time: At 9am.
Languages: Arabic.