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Tickets > Tickets en México > Tickets en Merida - Yucatan Izamal, Chichen y Sinkhole

Izamal, Chichen y Sinkhole

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  • Incluye
  • Comida
  • Transporte
  • Asistencia o Tour guiado
  • Entradas
  • No Incluye
  • Bebidas
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Día completo


Izamal, located 72km of the city of Merida, it is called the “City of the Three Cultures” because it has three main periods: pre Hispanic (pyramids), colonial (the convent which is an indelible mark of Spanish influence), and modern period with its friendly and gentle people proud of their culture. The Pope John Paul II visited Izamal in 1993 there was a memorable mass in the large atrium that precedes the Temple dedicated to the Immaculate Conception virgin. Three large ramps facing north, South and West, provide access to this monumental Atrium, considered the largest in Latin America (8,000 square meters surface). Walking quietly along the beautiful and picturesque streets, enjoying its gastronomy, handicra?s and its people, will be an unique experiences that will help you to understand the past and present of this Mayan village afther we continue to visit Chichén Itzá means in the Mayan language “the mouth of the well of the shamans of the water” It was the most important city between 900 AD. and 1200 AD. Declared World Heritage by (UNESCO) and one of the wonders of the world. The pyramid of Kukulkán also known as” the castle” Together with the temple of the warriors, the ball court, the astronomical observatory and the complex of the nuns reflect the ceremonial character of the city. At the equinoxes If spring (21 of March) and autumn (21 of September) an effect of light and shadow projects a snake silhouettedescending on the lustrade of the north stairway of The Castle, symbolizing the beginning of agricultural work before the raining season. after we can visit and stay for a time in the cenote ikkil

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick up from the hotel.
Duration: Approximately 10 hours.
Start/opening time: 8am.
-End/closing time: 6:30pm.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Others: Recommended to bring water, clothes and comfortable shoes (snickers), sunscreen, camera, hat, sunglasses and bug repellent. Operates daily.