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Tickets > Tickets en Colombia > Tickets en Santa Marta Flyboard


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  • Incluye
  • Asistencia o Tour guiado
  • Material
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Actividades al aire libre y aventura
  • Cruceros y deportes acuáticos
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Múltiples opciones


In the beautiful beaches of Bello Horizonte you can enjoy the better experience on the air and the water: FLYBOARD! After brief instructions in about 15 minutes you will start to fly! In the next 5 minutes you will learn to stand up on the water and then it's just enjoy this wonderful experience.
In the 30 minutes of practice included you can fly up to 4 meters high and do the dolphin trick.

Meeting/pick-up point: On the beach in front of the Zuana hotel in Bello Horizonte Cra. 6th Calle 1.
Duration: 1 hour.
Start/opening time: At 7am.
-End/closing time: At 3pm.
Languages:English and Spanish.
Others: Flyboard is not recommended for pregnant women or people with serious spinal problems, nor is recommendable the activity if intoxicated or under the influence of hallucinogenic substances or alcohol. You are responsible for your prescriptions to perform this activity. This activity is only available to people over 12 years old.