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Tickets > Tickets en Grecia > Tickets en Peloponeso Delphi - The Naval of the World

Delphi - The Naval of the World

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  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
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For sheer grandeur, few places on Earth can rival Delphi. It's a spectacular double-act of millenia-old ruins and breathtaking natural scenery. It was once one of the world's most important religious centres - pilgrims journeyed here to consult the oracle Pythia. Even now an aura of mystery surrounds Delphi. You'll visit the ancient Sanctuary of Apollo where the celebrated oracle dwelt. Her ambiguous prophecies were known all over the ancient world. You'll pass by the Castalian spring, where the pilgrims washed before consulting the oracle. And you'll also see the Temple of Apollo, the Treasury of Athenians, the Sacred Way and the theatre. In the Delphi Museum, the treasures on display include the Omphalos, which marked the centre of the world, and the magnificent bronze Charioteer, one of the finest surviving 5th-century BC pieces. There will also be time for you to buy a traditional Greek lunch in a nearby village.