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Tickets > Tickets en Estados Unidos > Tickets en Orlando Area - FL Wildlife Park -VIP

Wildlife Park -VIP

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  • Tipo de actividad
  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
  • Naturaleza, zoo y acuario
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
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Go wild at Orlando’s only wildlife park! Get hands on with Florida’s native gator and see the colourful array of animals in the park.


*Hands on gator and animal show
*Free photo souvenir
*500 foot sightseeing dock over the swamp

Join in the fun at Orlando’s only wildlife park! Watch, touch and even feed some of Florida’s native animals as well as tropical birds and many more. Choose between general admission or VIP admission packages and go wild for Florida’s wildlife.

Be an explorer for the day and discover Florida’s native as well as exotic animals and birds from all over the world. Go dizzy with colours at the tropical bird aviary and explore the amazing park full of zebras, turkeys, watusi, zedonk, deer, water buffalo, emu, wild boar, zebu, monster alligators, and so much more. Head along to the tortoise exhibit to see these gentle giants and venture on to the incredible Hawk Swamp boardwalk through a pristine Florida cypress swamp ecosystem. We even have a 500 foot sightseeing dock overlooking the swamp so that you can look over natural Florida.

Choose between general admission and VIP admission. With VIP you can enjoy a hands-on gator and animal show, free 4X6 gator handling photo, pony ride, guided park tour, park survival kit: bag of gator food, bottled water, scavenger hunt brochure, and gator pen souvenir. With general admission get a hands-on gator and animal show, free 4X6 gator handling photo and pony ride.

Start/opening time: At 9am approx.
-End/closing time: At 6pm approx.
Languages: English.
Others: Wild Florida is closed on Sundays.
100 pound weight limit on pony rides.