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Tickets > Tickets en Egipto > Tickets en Hurghada Submarinismo en Hurghada

Submarinismo en Hurghada

Busca precios para este ticket

  • Incluye
  • Comida
  • Transporte
  • Asistencia o Tour guiado
  • Material
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Actividades al aire libre y aventura
  • Cruceros y deportes acuáticos
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Día completo


Discover the secrets of the Red Sea and be a diver for a day! For those who want to discover the deepest secrets of the Red Sea try out the diving trip, get fully equipped and just dive in! Two dives down to 10 meters depth to swim with the colorful fish, feel the life of the coral reefs, taste the underwater wonders with all your senses. Nothings compares to it! After having thrilled your heart, delight your senses with a delicious lunch and soft drinks.

Meeting/pick-up point: At the hotel.
Start/opening time: Approximately 7:30am.
End/closing time: Approximately 4:30pm.
Languages: English.