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Tickets > Tickets en Estados Unidos > Tickets en Monument Valley State Park - UT Recorrido en globo por Monument Valley

Recorrido en globo por Monument Valley

Busca precios para este ticket

  • Incluye
  • Comida
  • Asistencia o Tour guiado
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Aire, helicóptero y globos
  • Actividades al aire libre y aventura
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Medio día (mañana)


Imagine soaring among majestic monoliths, mesas, and awe inspiring spires that were millions of years in the making! Carved by wind and water, the area makes for one of the most incredible experiences that you can find anywhere in the world.
There are simply no words or pictures that can fully describe the feeling of flying thru Monument Valley in a Hot Air Balloon! This is, beyond a doubt, the most incredible ballooning adventure that one can have!

Meeting/pick-up point: Please call supplier to confirm exact location and departure time as times vary.
Duration: Two hours and-a-half approximately with 1 hour balloon ride.
Start/opening time: Daily from March through November. Please call supplier to confirm exact departure time as times vary.
Languages: English.
Others: All passengers must be 114 kg or lighter in order to fly.
Passengers may not be pregnant at the time of flight or have had recent back surgery. One should be able to jump off the second step of a ladder and be in good general health.
Children under age 5 are not allowed to fly.
The pilot in command has the final determination if weather conditions are suitable for a safe hot air balloon flight. All efforts will be made to accommodate the flight in a safe environment. Hot air balloon flights are always subjective to wind conditions and may be cancelled if winds are too high.