In the heart of London's Blitz-torn West End, the cast of BBC's light-entertainment radio show, Variety Bandwagon are doing their bit for the war effort. But with the bombs falling outside, can star of the show, Sammy Shaw, hang on to his leading lady and broadcast live to America for the very first time?
Directed by Ben Woolf, Radio Times is chock-full of quick-fire gags, side-splitting routines and classic songs from one of our best of British; musical talents, Noel Gay, the composer of Me and My Girl, Radio Times features 40's favourites such as Run Rabbit Run, Hey Little Hen, My Thanks To You and There's Something About a Soldier
Start/opening time: Fri 7.30pm, Mon 7.30pm, Sat 3.00pm, Sat 7.30pm, Thu 7.30pm, Tue 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, Wed 7.30pm.
Opening days/period: From 20/08/2016-01/10/2016.
Others: Wheelchair accessible