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Tickets > Tickets en Polonia > Tickets en Cracovia Polish folk night

Polish folk night

Busca precios para este ticket

  • Incluye
  • Comida
  • Entradas
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Gastronomía, vino y vida nocturna
  • Teatro, espectáculos y musicales
  • Actividades para días de lluvia
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Flexible
  • Nocturna


We invite you to experience Kraków folklore.


* 1,5 hour show with polish dances
* Dinner included in the price
* Centrally located venue

The concert consists of two parts. The first one presents Polish folk dances, folk traditions and legends. A performance is given by a professional group of dancers led by a choreographer. The show is followed by a two-course regional dinner. Afterwards, guests are invited to join in and cut some rug themselves to the sounds of music performed by folk musicians.

Another advantage is the unique atmosphere of Michalik's Cave - Kraków bohemians' favourite hangout. It is conveniently and centrally located at 45 Street (near college and university buildings); soon after it opened, it became a meeting place for artists, writers, journalists and Kraków's bohemians. Some relics of the past have remained to this day: walls decorated with paintings, caricatures of artists, a satirical nativity scene or stained glass windows.

Duration: One hour.
Start/opening time: At 7pm, 1st May – 31st October, on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. From 1st November – 30th December, on Saturdays.
Languages: English.
Others: Please, hand in your printed voucher before the concert. Maximum 20 participants. Service not available on 1st Nov, 24th to 26th Dec, 31st Dec, and 1st Jan.