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Tickets > Tickets en Grecia > Tickets en Corfu Paxos Antipaxos

Paxos Antipaxos

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  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
  • Cruceros y deportes acuáticos
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This trip will take you island hopping. From Corfu, you’ll sail over to Antipaxos. With a population of just 60, there are more vine trees on this island than people. And its white sand beaches have earned it the nickname of the Caribbean of the Greek Islands. You’ll pull up at one of these beaches for a spot of sunbathing or swimming. Your next stop will be Antipaxos’ bigger sister, Paxos. According to legend, Poseidon created this island by striking Corfu with his trident, so he and his wife could have some peace and quiet. Centuries later, peace and quiet is still what you get here – even in Gaios, which is one of the island’s livelier towns. There’ll be time here to have lunch. The tavernas and restaurants are concentrated around the main square. After you’ve eaten, you’ll also have time for a bit of souvenir shopping in the few jewellery and gift shops near the harbour.