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Tickets > Tickets en Turquía > Tickets en Antalya Parque acuático Troy

Parque acuático Troy

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  • Entradas
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Parques acuáticos y temáticos
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Día completo


Corkscrew chutes and a `backwards' slide await you on this trip. The day is yours to splash and swim about as you please. As its name suggests, the park has an ancient Troy theme. Think a gigantic wooden Trojan horse gazing over the slides and mock stone ruins adorning the pools. Whizz down the curly chutes or ride the waves in the surf pool. Float down the lazy river in a huge rubber ring. Or try the `backwards' slide, whooshing up it rather than downwards - it is a weird sensation. There is also a tamer area for toddlers and a park with hammocks for when you fancy some R&R.

Start/opening time: At 10am.
End/closing time: At 4pm.