Legendary filmmaker and comedian Mel Brooks brings his classic monster musical comedy Young Frankenstein to life on stage in an all-singing, all-dancing musical collaboration with Tony-award winning Broadway director and choreographer Susan Stroman.
Grandson of the infamous Victor Frankenstein, Dr;Frederick Frankenstein (pronounced Fronk-en-steen) inherits a castle in Transylvania leading him to fulfil his grandfather’s legacy by bringing a corpse back to life. With help and hindrance from hunchback henchman Igor, buxom assistant Inga and needy fiancé cute Elizabeth, his experiment yields madcap success and monstrous consequences.
Meeting/pick-up point: Garrik Theatre.
Duration: Approximately 2 hours.
Start/opening time: On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7:30pm. On Wednesday and Saturday at 3pm and 7:30pm.
Opening days/period: From September 28th 2017 to February 10th 2018.