Orrì is located approximately 7 km from the village and can be reached by public transportation (schedules may be consulted in the reception area, where one-day tickets for the bus service are available). It is located on the splendid headlands in the southernmost portion of the Bellavista Park which covers an area of more than 60 hectares of lush Mediterranean vegetation inhabited by native fauna. The complex is made up of low-lying buildings discreetly immersed in greenery complemented by tall eucalyptus and olive trees, sometimes covered by multi-coloured bougainvilleas. Reception desk opens 24h with safety deposit available (for a charge), 3 bars (one on the beach), boutique also with newspapers and cigarettes, terraces furnished with tables and chairs where one may sit in the shade of the trees, listen to music and in the evening, dance to the sounds of the piano bar; a mini club, TV room, large amphitheatre and unattended indoor parking.
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