The Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Dallas Park Central Northwest is truly ideal for every traveler. Our location and amenities are sure to satisfy every business-minded guest. You can keep up-to-date with using our free Wi-Fi access while in the business center or hold an event in the 900 square foot meeting room. Companies like Texas Instruments, Sears, Raytheon and Fossil are located near our Park Central hotel in Dallas, Texas. Enjoy staying near all the best shopping and attractions of the Dallas area at our hotel's premium location. The hotel is only moments from fantastic shopping deals at the Galleria and North Park Malls. Downtown and its host of attractions are just a short, leisurely drive south from the hotel. Medical City Hospital, Presbyterian Hospital, SMU and George Bush Library are only a short drive from the hotel also. While In Dallas, Texas, you'll definitely love our smoke-free hotel's top-rate amenities. You can sit back and enjoy a soak in the whirlpool, swim in the outdoor pool or work up a sweat in the 24-hour fitness center. A hot, free breakfast awaits you every morning. Come discover for yourself the meaning of Texas hospitality. Shuttle services available Mondays thru Fridays from 7am to 7pm within a 3-mile radius. We offer complimentary shuttle services to GM Training, Medical City, Texas Instruments, many other local companies, and to Dallas Love Field Airport with 24-hours advanced notice.
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