El popular hotel, de arquitectura victoriana, le ofrece la elegancia y cuidado por cada detalle. Cuenta con un total de 102 apartamentos. Además, ofrece conexión a Internet y servicio de cambio de divisa.From Glasgow Int'l Airport: M8 motorway to Glasgow city centre, turn off J19 city centre. Continue until traffic lights - turn left and then second right into West George Street. Continue along into George Street - take third left into Albion Street. From Edinburgh: Turn off juntion 15 , branch second left - then turn left ( facing Glasgow Royal Infirmary), At T Junction, turn right onto Castle Street passing Royal Infirmary, bear left on Castle Street - turn right onto Bell Street - turn left onto Albion street. Fraser Suites on left hand side From George Square( 5 minuite walk ): Walk along George Street - at traffic lights, turn right onto Montrose Street - turn left onto Ingram Street - turn right onto Albion street. Fraser Suites is at the bottom of the road on the right hand side.
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