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Tickets > Tickets en Estados Unidos > Tickets en Miami Area - FL Flyboard Rentals

Flyboard Rentals

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  • Incluye
  • Asistencia o Tour guiado
  • Material
  • Entradas
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Actividades al aire libre y aventura
  • Cruceros y deportes acuáticos
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Flexible


Imagine the rush of being able to burst out of the water and fly 45 feet (14 meters) into the air! The Flyboard allows you to experience controlled flight, the feeling of accelerating freely on the water's level and the most exhilarating: simulating the dolphin's graceful swim! The Flyboard attaches to any personal water craft and the main thrust comes from your feet, so it feels like Iron man!

The Flyboard is very intuitive: similar to learning to ride a bike, water-ski, surfing, and skating or any activity that requires a little balance. You need about 5 to 20 minutes to learn the basics. In about 3 hours of training you'll be able to master to the maneuvers and fully understand the operation of the Flyboard.

We have instructors on staff that will teach you what you need and have you Flyboarding in minutes! During the lesson you will learn proper steering controls, floating positions, low taxi, high taxi, free flight and of course landing. Most people are up and flying in a few short minutes.

Rental includes 30 Minute or 60 minute Flyboard rental, Flyboard equipment, and basic handling training. PLEASE NOTE: there is a $30 charge, payable locally, for accompanying passengers who will not be Flyboarding.

Start/opening time: From 10am. Reservations are mandatory 72 hours in advance and it's based on availability; rental time must be confirmed with a staff member.
End/closing time: Sunset.
Min. Age: You MUST be over 18 years old or accompanied by a parent to attend (15 years old)
Max. Age:
Min. Weight: 100lbs.
Max. Weight: 300lbs.
Languages: English.
Voucher validity: Date of service.