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Tickets > Tickets en Turquía > Tickets en Bodrum Bodrum by Night

Bodrum by Night

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  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
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  • Jóvenes
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  • Duración de la actividad
  • Nocturna


To see Bodrum’s best side, hop on this evening tour. Things start off with a double whammy of historical must-sees. Myndos Gate pinpoints the scene of the bloodiest battle of Alexander the Great, while the Bodrum Amphitheatre is a leftover from the Romans. With both, it’s sea views all the way. Just along the road is the bank-breaking Bodrum Gold Centre. This shop-come-showroom brims with ruby rings, emerald-studded necklaces and designer watches. A restaurant dinner rounds the evening off, followed by free time to wander the city centre.

Other information:

• TUI UK Ltd is acting as an Agent for Tantur Turizm Seyahat A.S. Mehmetcik Mah, Erbas 2 Is Hanı 1242 Sok. No: 7 Antalya 07300, Turkey who are providing this excursion/service for you