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Tickets > Tickets en Israel > Tickets en Jerusalem Region Beyond the Walls

Beyond the Walls

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  • Asistencia o Tour guiado
  • Tipo de actividad
  • Visitas guiadas, tours y museos
  • Compras, mercadillos y zocos
  • Actividad para
  • Familias
  • Parejas
  • Jóvenes
  • Seniors
  • Duración de la actividad
  • Medio día (tarde)


It took guts for people to build outside the Old City back in the 19th century, and those who did were considered brave souls. At sundown, all seven gates would close, offering extra security for those inside — but leaving those beyond the walls on their own. But the original inhabitants of Jerusalem — Jews, Christians, and Muslims — were growing in numbers, and space was limited, so they had to look beyond the walls while staying close to the Old City.

Then you have all those who came with the Crusaders for the Holy Grail, and the Arabs who came with Salah Eddin, many of whom stayed and grew the communities even further. Jerusalem became a hub for British, French, Italians, Russians, Germans, Spaniards, Ethiopians, and so many others. For a brief moment in history, everyone was living together with a certain degree of peace and harmony. This is where your Jerusalem tour will take you: to see how communities grew beyond the city walls, and cultures and religions collided. As we explore the edges of the city, you’ll see great monuments built to withstand earthquakes, bullets, and bombs; a Russian compound housing a church, police station, and prison; an Ethiopian church and community next to a building erected by a German protestant architect; and much more.

We’ll head to the famous Machane Yehuda market, which began back in the 19th century as a place for peasants to sell their produce. Today, it’s a major market selling fish, poultry, meat, fruits, and vegetables, along with spices, nuts, and even household appliances. You’ll get to taste of mix sweet and savoury delights from different vendors all over the market.

Start/opening time: At 12.30pm.
-End/closing time: At 3:30pm.
Drop-off location: Machane Yehuda Market.
Languages: Local English-speaking guide.
Others: Inclusions food tastings at the market.